Euro MP Christine Oddy has been invited to attend the Coventry Cathedral
Provost' s Breakfasts - the series of events where guest speakers look back at what they
see as the key events of the millennium and consider the challenges likely to be
encountered during the next 1,000 years.
She will join other leading figures from the city and neighbouring Warwickshire on
Wednesday (12 May) as a guest of the Cathedrals Provost, the Very Reverend John
The speaker will be the former rector of St James, Piccadilly, the Rev Donald Reeves,
who will outline his thoughts on 'A New Europe'.
Ms Oddy has enjoyed a long association with Coventry Cathedral and earlier this month
was invited by Canon Andrew White, who heads its International Ministry, to join the
Advisory Board of the Centre for International Conciliation.
She said:
"The last months of the present millennium are a very good time to look back and
consider what have been the key moments of the last 1,000 years and it is typical of
Coventry Cathedrals wide outlook on life that this has been chosen as the theme for
the breakfasts."