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Cowboy Builders To Be Run Out Of Town

Trading standards officers are warning vulnerable and elderly people to be on their guard after a spate of complaints about bogus builders.

Gangs touting for work have been appearing on doorsteps all over the city, and often carry out poor or no work at inflated prices.

Cowboys builders are known to prey on elderly people who might be tricked into thinking that they need repairs to be made on their homes.

A leaflet is now being circulated warning people to be on their guard against these builders.

It is being distributed to housebound people in Coventry and to the University of the Third Age.

Trading standards officer Carmen Prue said:

“This leaflet officers practical advice about property repairs do’s and don’ts.

“We want to get the message across to all consumers, but particularly to older people, not to deal with trades people who knock on their door touting for business.

“We regularly receive complains from people who’ve been caught out agreeing to replace their guttering or a loose tile by cowboy gangs turning up at their door.

“Reputable firms don’t do this and were keen to remind people to start turning these people away.”

Copies of the leaflet will also be available in libraries across the city, from the council’s Your Living Environment office in the Precinct or from Trading Standards on 024 7683 1833.

Age Concern run a scheme that registers pensioner-friendly firms, which can be contact on 024 7623 1999.
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CWN / Politics / Coventry City Council / 8 Feb 01
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