part of Minis fortieth birthday celebrations, the search is under way to find one
example of each of the 133 factory-approved Mini variants sold in the UK since 1959.
Owners of well-kept Minis, in original condition, are being invited to submit their
cars for inclusion in an official Mini Set display at the Mini birthday party,
Silverstone August 21 and 22. Rare models include those built before 1962, the Riley Elf,
Wolseley Hornet and the 1976 Mini 1000 Special.

Archive historian at the Heritage Motor Centre, Anders Clausager, is judging the
entries and is asking for written submissions to be a maximum of one A4 page detailing
chassis number, history and vehicle condition, together with a good quality photograph of
the car.
Owners of cars selected will have their car displayed at the party and also receive two
free entry tickets and official notification of their cars part in the celebrations.
They should send details of their Minis to: Search for the Set, The Heritage
Motor Centre, Banbury Road, Gaydon, Warwickshire, CV35 OBJ.
Mr Clausager said:
"It is a fascinating search, especially for the rarities. I dont think
anyone has put every single variant together before and the display will be one of the
highlights of the party. Im very excited to see what kind of entries we get. I am
also interested in receiving information from owners of Minis manufactured or sold outside
the UK."
Autocars Car of the Century, the Mini will celebrate its
fortieth anniversary with a two day party at Silverstone on August 21 and 22. Tickets and
Information: 01327 857273.