- November 2000
[26 NOV 00] STOKE
I went to Stoke
Heath primary school and then on to Lyng
Hall secondary school which I left in 1966. I was in Zeta
house and would be pleased to make contact with ex class mates.
I now live in New Zealand.
Carol Milburn [née Hill]

[26 NOV 00] ANYONE
Hi there folks!
I went to Howes
Junior School, Coventry (1972-76) and then on to Whitley
Abbey Comprehensive School until 1984.
I left Coventry in 1984 and now
live in France.
If there are any Coventrians who
remember the good old days let me know. It could be fun to bring
back happy memories ...
Roxanne Johnson <

With reference to the letter in
the Guestbook dated 19 February 2000,
I cannot say for certain that there was a Prisoner of War camp
in Radford between the years 1914-1918, but I do know that there
was an ammunition dump at Radford between the Daimler factory
and Holbrooks.
I was born in 1920 and for the
first twenty years of my life I lived in Lydgate Road, Radford.
In those days there were no houses between Lydgate Road and
Holbrooks, they were built in the twenties.
As children, my brother and I
used to play on the land behind the Daimler, which was known as
the 'dumps'. There were concrete bunkers there for ammunition
storage during the war.
At the far end, towards Holbrooks,
there were some wooden buildings known as 'munition cottages'. I
am wondering if these were used as the prisoner of war camp and
if the prisoners were employed sorting out and disposing of the
Otherwise, I can think of no
other site in the whole of the Radford area that could have been
a camp.
Sincerely yours
Julie Farley <

I went to Keresley Junior School
1967-70, then onto Keresley
Newland secondary school in Coventry 1971-74.
I left Coventry in 1974 and now
live in Leicester.
I would love to find out what
happened to Beverley Hitchcock and Dawn Laban.
If anyone remembers them or me
please email me.
Karen Robinson [née
Hedley] <

Hi there, I was a student at
Coundon Court School, Coventry. My name is Christopher Baldwin
and I also had two brothers that went there as well - Cory
Conlon and Lance Baldwin.
My head was Mr Edwards and head
master Mr Kershaw.
I just wanna say "keep in
touch" because I have moved to the USA.
If you know Lee Farmer or Kevin
Guiess or his brother Keith Guiess who were all students at the
same time as me please contact them and let them know I still
Hope to hear from anyone that
knows me.
Chris Baldwin <

I went to Frederick
Bird Primary School in Coventry 1964-68.
If anyone remembers me please get
in touch!
Bryan Martin <

[12 NOV 00] WHAT
I wonder whether you can help me?
My name is Edward Hudson. I come
from and live in south London.
reason for this email is because I would like to know the
whereabouts of an old school friend - Kim Green.
As I mentioned I am a Londoner,
but after my mother died I found myself integrated into another
family when my dad met someone else. My father's new partner
lived, and still does for that matter, in St James Lane,
Willenhall, Coventry.
So to cut a long story very short
I started at Whitley
Abbey school at the beginning of January 1977 - I was in
Warwick House, form 3w.
some initial problems with some of the lads of my year - I was
the only cockney in the school so it was natural every one
wanted a pop at me - I found myself accepted by these lads and
even earned myself a nickname "SLUSHY". That was on
account of me being the fastest person to be able to put a piece
of paper in my mouth, chew it to a semi-solid sort of pulp and
then fire said piece of paper out of a hollow biro casing at
some unfortunate individual. That all sounds rather dubious I
know coming from a grown man of 37 years but I was only 14 at
the time and if you can't be stupid then, when can you be?
After the initial problems and
being accepted by the lads, the girls started to take an
interest as well.
It was then Kim Green entered my
life. She was my first girl friend so to speak - she had many
admirers from my year, but she chose me.
However we were an item for only
a very short time because due to family problems and me not
doing very well at Whitley Abbey (educationally anyway) I was
destined never to return to the school after the end of the
summer holiday for that year.
Now the reason I want to know
about Kim Green is this. I was only scheduled to spend a few
weeks back in London on a boating holiday down the Thames with
my older sister and her boyfriend. I was then going to return to
Coventry and me and Kim would take up where we left off. However
after a blazing family row, I never returned.
Twenty-three years later myself,
my father and his partner are reconciled, and I have been
accepted back into the fold. I visit Coventry fairly regularly
and so naturally the old times are spoken of, and old familiar
places are revisited.
In conversation, it came out that
soon after I failed to return from London Kim went missing. The
police came round to my father's house to ask whether there was
a possible link with my situation and her going missing. They
told the police all they could and that was the last they heard.
I would really like to know
whether Kim was found or what happened to her and if she is ok.
Also details of any reunions for
Whitley Abbey would be gratefully accepted.
Edward J Hudson
