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What Are Sustainability Indicators?

Indicators are measures of people’s everyday concerns - such as health, jobs, air quality, traffic, housing, educational achievement, wildlife and economic prosperity. By bringing together all of these issues that affect the quality of our lives they can show whether Coventry is becoming more or less sustainable.

globeThey can help raise awareness, highlight the main sustainability challenges for the city and, most importantly, can encourage action. The indicators can help individuals, communities, organisations, businesses, local and national government to better understand the implications of our actions, and encourage more sustainable behaviour.

At a national level the government is also developing indicators to show whether the country as a whole is becoming more or less sustainable.


Coventry’s Agenda 21 network held an open seminar to determine the need for indicators and to develop a possible list of measures which we could use to evaluate sustainable development in Coventry.

The initial list has been reduced to make sure that they are easy to understand, measure and are representative of our progress towards sustainability.

The result is a set of indicators to monitor Coventry’s progress into the 21st century.

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Coventry's Agenda 21


Coventry City Council

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