A high level meeting between diplomats and religious leaders is
taking place at Coventry Cathedral and Coventry University on
Wednesday 26 January to discuss the problems posed by Iraq, as a
result of Canon Andrew White’s position at the forefront of
negotiations between Iraq and Britain.
The meeting will explore what actions should be taken about the
continued threat of Iraq to Middle East peace, the missing Kuwaiti
Prisoners of War, and the sanctions against Iraq which are continuing
to hurt the ordinary Iraqis whilst doing little to harm the Iraqi
The meeting is to be chaired by the Bishop of Coventry and Canon
Andrew White, International Director at Coventry Cathedral.
Participants will be the Kuwaiti Ambassador, representatives of the
United States of America and the Saudi Arabian Embassies, the head of
the Iraqi Desk at the Foreign Office, Mr John Davis and the Marquis of
Reading, who accompanied Canon White to Iraq on his last visit with
the Flying Hospital.
Andrew Rigby, Director of the Centre for the Study of Forgiveness
and Reconciliation at Coventry University will also be present.