[18 NOV 98]
Recruitment Of New Justices Of The
PeaceRecruitment of new justices of the
peace to serve on the south warwickshire bench sitting at Stratford on Avon
Mike Watkins, Secretary to the Lord Chancellors Area Advisory Panel which has the
task of seeking and recommending candidates for appointment to the South Warwickshire
Bench, says:-
- Many members of the public may have previously thought of offering their services to the
community as a Justice of the Peace or may never even have realised that the work could be
for them.
- The Panel will very soon be considering its recruitment needs for Stratford on Avon for
the next year or two.
- Such needs will depend on:
- The Lord Chancellors directions as to the number of sittings a justice should
reasonably be expected to undertake
- Present numbers and composition of the bench
- The requirement to have a bench which is balanced in respect of factors such as
occupation, residence, sex, age, political persuasion and a wide range of other social
- Although there may not be a need to recommend many appointments, the Panel needs to be
able to ensure that it has the widest range of possible candidates from which to choose.
- It is unpaid, although certain expenses are available
- Justices are expected to undertake between 26 and 35 half-day sessions a year plus a
fair number of meetings
- Initial and continuing training and development are given
- Application forms should ideally be submitted by the end of February 1999
- Further details, information packs and application forms can be obtained from
Mike Watkins
Secretary to the South Warwickshire Advisory Panel
PO Box 16
14 Hamilton Terrace
Leamington Spa
CV32 4XG
Telephone 01926 663350
Fax 01926 335051

