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£30m Road Schemes Given Go-Ahead

Traffic schemes in Warwickshire costing more than £30 million have been given the go-ahead by the government.

Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott announced yesterday that projects in Barford, near Warwick, Rugby, and Nuneaton will all get funding.

Jubilant campaigners in the village of Barford were celebrating after pushing for a bypass for more than 20 years.

Last year the group had almost given up hope after being told that there was very little chance of the scheme getting clearance.

But the go-ahead has now been given for a road going around the village and crossing a new bridge over the River Avon.

Villagers, lead by Nick Ellis, formed a pressure group and have travelled several times with James Plaskitt MP to meet government ministers to press their case.

They told of villagers being trapped at a junction as cars and lorries drive through the main street and over a mini-roundabout, often without even realising the roundabout is there.

Now £6.9 million has been awarded for the project. The village on the A429 has 16,000 vehicle movements a day thundering through to the Cotswolds.

There were also celebrations in Rugby as a £20 million scheme for the Western Relief Road was granted.

It is being built to add capacity to the town’s roads as thousands of houses are being built. Originally the route was planned to use sections of the old Daventry to Leamington railway line, but that is now likely to be re-opened.

There is also good news for people in Nuneaton, which has received £5.4 million for a traffic management scheme.

In the plans Church Street will be pedestrianised to stop the library being cut off from the rest of the shopping area.

This will allow the ring road to be completed to allow better traffic flow in the town.
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