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Warwickshire Gets A 'Day In The Dome'

Warwickshire is to be first country or city in the Midlands to have a ‘Day in the Dome’ at Greenwich.

A total of 203 out of 208 local authorities accepted the invitation to showcase their town or county in the Greenwich Millennium Dome for one day only. And Warwickshire will be one of the first in the country to take up the challenge – their ‘Day in the Dome’ will be on 17 January 2000.

The idea of the Day is to celebrate a town, city or county using the talents of its young people, with a 20-minute presentation performed three times in the 500-seat theatre in the Dome. There is also a bandstand and a display area for use during the whole day. Free passes into the Dome will be available for 100 people.

Warwickshire’s day will include contributions from the county music service and the choral initiative, media and film work by college students, drama, and dance and visual art from outstanding school performers and from many school groups. It will also involve the use of digital technology.

The event is to be co-ordinated by Rex Pogson, director of Warwickshire’s Arts Zone, which was launched last month. He said he was determined that the event, which will have the theme of "partnership in creativity", would not just be one-off treat for 100 people. Instead it will involve thousands of young people in the preparation and follow-up work, and will be tied into a series of exhibitions, performances and displays held around Warwickshire both before and after the Day in the Dome.

He said:

"The day will be a showcase of opportunity for Warwickshire, celebrating its rich heritage, the achievements of its young people, and the promise it offers to all its residents in the future. This is a high-profile opportunity we cannot miss."

The event is being sponsored by McDonalds restaurants to the tune of £10,000 for each local authority taking part. Now Warwickshire’s education chiefs are being asked to match the McDonalds funding and find a further £10,000 to make sure Warwickshire is able to make the most of its day. Additional funding will also be sought. Members of the county council’s Education Committee are being asked to approve the extra funding at their meeting next week.

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