Warwickshire County Council is
asking local community groups throughout Warwickshire to put forward bids for funding from
this year’s Community Development Fund. A total of £125,000 is available.
All bids must be for one-off projects up to a total of £5,000 each. They will need to
be presented through the local County Councillor for the area where the project is located
by 31st August 1999.
Councillor Chris Bain, Chairman of the County Council’s Community Development
Sub-Committee, said:
"The Community Development Fund has proved to be a huge success with nearly 230
projects having benefited since the fund was first launched, in November 1994. It is an
opportunity for local groups to apply for help in funding projects that are important to
their community.
"It has been particularly helpful to projects that are located in deprived areas
which find it difficult to get the funding they need from other sources. We hope that many
local voluntary and community groups will take this opportunity to apply."