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Gates Prove A No Through Road For Burlgars

More crime-busting gates could be put up helping the fight to keep people safe in their homes with extra AlleyGaters in Rugby.

The borough council was impressed with the trial scheme in the Windsor Street and Bridge Street area where alleyways to terraced houses are gated off, so reducing crime. 

The AlleyGaters stop burglars using them to get round the back of houses and break in.

The council is looking at a new £250,000 project, which should help give 2,000 people in the town better security and help combat the fear of crime. The gates will only allow residents to gain access.

The council will work with crime prevention officers to choose areas with crime problems, and then with the county council and Victim Support to secure the money for the scheme.

Tom Cudlip, director of housing and environmental health, said the feedback on the gates already installed has been ‘very positive’ and explained why they were introduced to Rugby:

“A significant proportion of Rugby’s housing is made up of older-style terraced properties.

“Access to the rear of the property from the street is achieved by shared always often serving up to ten or more houses.

“These may also be inter-linked providing a network of pedestrian thoroughfares between streets and linking with rear access roads.

“While the alleys provide essential access for householders, they can also be used by others to access the rear of the properties for criminal purposes such as burglary as well as being vulnerable to other anti-social behaviours, including vandalism, drink and drug abuse, littering and dog fouling.

“Networked alleys also provide an escape route for perpetrators of crime.”

The gates have also been used in Coventry with its Action Against Crime Team. 

The AlleyGates were first used in London and helped cut crime by more than a third.

The idea for more gates goes before housing councillors on Monday, and then to the Cabinet for decision.

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