Nappy Week takes place from 19 25 April. Rugby Borough Council has joined
forces with the Coventry Real Nappy Association, other local councils and Warwickshire
County councils Wasteline campaign and will be staging a Real Nappy
The Real Nappy Roadshow will be visiting Boots in Rugby on Friday 23 April
between 10.00am and 2.00pm. mothers and babies who use real nappies will be on hand to
answer questions about real nappies, there will be opportunities to practice folding
techniques, and you can enter a competition to win £100 worth of real nappies.
If you are unable to attend the roadshow but would like to know more there will also be
displays at Orchards Community Centre in Lower Hillmorton Road, the town hall, the main
library and at St Cross maternity department during Real Nappy Week or you can call your
local recycling officers on 01788 533328 for an information pack.
Over 8 million disposable nappies are thrown away every day in Britain. The majority go
into household rubbish bins and end up in local landfill sites. Disposable nappies create
environmental concerns and financial costs for a local community. Real Nappy Week is an
annual event first introduced by the Womens Environmental Network and the Real Nappy
Association to promote and encourage the use of useable nappies and nappy washing