[08 MAR 99] RUGBY
Landfill Tax Benefits RugbyLandfill tax is
benefiting the Rugby area. Several local projects are receiving funds from landfill
operators. The money is in addition to Council funding to enhance the Borough.
The projects include:
- Newbold Shops - £10,000 is being provided by Rugby Cement for the environment
enhancement programme.
- Hillmorton Locks - £20,000 is being provided by Rugby Cement towards the refurbishment
of buildings at the Locks to create suitable premises for small businesses and visitors.
- Air Quality Project - £15,000 is being provided by Rugby Cement for an air quality
project which is also being funded by the Council and the Environmental Agency.
- St Andrews Benn Park The Millennium green - £46,650 is being provided by
Onyx Environment. Trust to help convert the disused school playing field into an urban
- Great Central Walk - £61,250 is being provided by Onyx Environmental Trust to make the
stretch of Great central Walk in the built up area into more of a nature reserve. Other
projects have been awarded to the local community in the Rugby rural area by Onyx
Environmental Trust.
Councillor Martin Eversfield, Chairman of the Environmental services Committee said,
"This is excellent news for Rugby. This is another example of the Council working
in partnership with other organisations for the benefit of local people."
Under the Governments Landfill Tax Regulations,
Landfill operators (like Rugby Cement) can donate up to 20% of landfill tax payments they
collect to environmental bodies (like Oynx Environmental Trust). They can then claim a tax
credit for 90% of this donation from Custom & Excise. Therefore for every £1 donated
by operators, a credit for an additional £9 can be claimed.
More Information: David Johnson 01788 533720

