Good Dog Campaign Competition 2000Playgroups
and 'Out of Hours' clubs were asked to take part in this year's Good Dog Campaign
This has for the second year been sponsored by the
Birmingham Dog Show. The winning group, the Funshine and Adventure Holiday Club based at
George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust, won £200 for the best portfolio submitted on the theme
of "Dogs in our Community."
Arthur Lovatt of Staff Services, George Eliot Hospital
"The children and staff are thrilled to have won, as
we have never won anything before. The children enjoyed working on the project and got a
lot out of it. We particularly enjoyed the visits from the Policeman and Animal Warden who
brought in their dogs. The money we receive will go towards securing a soft play area for
the playgroup."
Members of the playgroup were also given tickets to attend
the Dog Show which took place at the NEC 20 - 23 April 2000 and individual prizes were
given to outstanding entries in each group submitting a portfolio.
Examples of the entries from all groups are being displayed
at the Council House reception area until 28 April 2000.
The Good Dog Campaign has been established in Nuneaton and
Bedworth since 1991 and aims to tackle the problems of indiscriminate dog fouling and
stray through promoting responsible dog ownership.

Daniel the Spaniel had ears like rugs,
Teeth like prongs of electric plugs.
His back's a thundery winter sky,
Black clouds, white clouds rumbling by.
His nose is the rubber of an old squash ball
Bounced in the rain. His tail you'd call
A chopped-off rope with a motor inside
That keeps it walloping. Red-rimmed-eyed,
He whimpers like plimsolls on a wooden floor.
When he yawns he closes a crimson door.
When he barks it's a shark of a sound that bites
Through frosty mornings and icy nights.
When he sleeps he wheezes on a dozing lung:
Then he wakes you too with a wash of his tongue!
Zoe King Age 10
Second Stockingford Guides
Joseph is a clever boy,
He helps dear old Mrs Malloy.
The two of them are never parted,
It really makes me feel warm hearted.
Mrs Malloy cannot see,
When Joseph came she danced with glee.
Around the town or in the park,
Joseph can't wait for his job to start.
Joseph is a clever boy,
He sees for dear old Mrs Malloy.
Sarah Felgate Age 12
Funshine and Adventure Holiday Club
George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust
What would you call a dog
that was big and round and strong;
With a head held up in arrogance
and a tail that was two inches long?
What would you call a dog
who'd take your pushchair for a walk;
Who'd growl at passing strangers
if they dared to stop and talk?
What would you call a dog
that would snuggle into your seat;
Walk through a dirty puddle
and get mud upon its feet?
What would you call a dog
who would quiver and squirm in the bath;
The shake water all over daddy
causing mummy and me to laugh?
What would you call a dog
that would protect you to the end;
Who would be your personal trainer
confidante and best friend?
What would you call a dog
that nothing else could replace if it tried;
That you miss every night and morning
since that terrible day that she died.
I know what I'd call this dog
who was there when my life began
It's a strange name for a rottweiler
But Francesca, I just called "Fran"
Hannah Liggins Age 10 and Mum
Funshine and Adventure Holiday Club
George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust

Lisa Parnell lisa.parnell@nuneaton-bedworthbc.gov.uk