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Community Has Bright Idea

People power is making Coventry a brighter and safer place.

A new scheme involving residents in Coventry has caught the attention of cities throughout the UK.

Area Co-ordination South East has given residents from Stoke, Willenhall and Binley the chance to improve the lighting in the streets where they live and make a difference to their community.

The scheme is run in partnership with Coventry Contract Services and is improving lighting that is reaching the end of its economical life, increase pedestrian and road safety and aid action against crime initiatives, public mobility and safety.

Regular meetings with Area Co-ordination and local residents will decide which areas need to be focused upon and improved.

CCS will then install or upgrade lights in the area and will also provide a 24-hour, 365-day maintenance service to ensure that all lighting in the area is working properly.

It is the first time in the region that the public have been able to so directly influence local issues such as lighting.

Dave Galliers, Area Co-ordination Manager, is delighted with the success of the new scheme so far and is looking forward to seeing it spread citywide. 

He said:

"This type of scheme is the kind of thing that Coventry is becoming renowned for. 

"The Area Co-ordination partnership is committed to helping the residents to have their say about where they live and influence decisions which directly effect them.  The residents know the areas they live in better than us, they can help us make the city a brighter, safer place to live and work.

"The improvement programme has attracted attention from other cities in the UK because it allows the council to work alongside the residents.

"We have had a number of enquiries from other councils who have followed our progress closely and want to follow suit."

Cllr Jack Harrison, cabinet member (Community Services) who represents the Lower Stoke Ward, said local residents' knowledge was invaluable.

"This is a true partnership in every sense and it is working very well. CCS has welcomed the feedback and local knowledge that only residents can provide and it has meant that people's opinions and ideas have been addressed quickly.

"Lighting is a very important issue and it great to see everyone pulling in the same direction for the common good."

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CWN / Coventry City Council / Area Coordination / 7 Nov 00
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