country seems to be overflowing with Millennium deadlines. Dont forget the
millennium bug, dont forget to make sure youve sent out party invitations and
bought your bubbly in time. Oh yes and dont forget to book your street closure.
Coventry City Council normally charges people or businesses who want to close roads. As
a special millennium celebration, the Council has set aside some money so that residents
organising street parties will be able to close the road for free. Even so the Council is
concerned that residents will leave it too late to get their street closed to traffic. The
Council has put procedures in place to try to ensure that people who leave it to the last
minute arent disappointed but Councillor John McNicholas is urging people to get
their applications in as soon as possible.
He went on to say:
"The Council is keen to help Coventry celebrate and many groups may wish to hold
street parties."
Anyone hoping to close a stretch of their street must first of all confirm that none of
the residents directly affected object. They should then write to:
Davinder Chohan
Coventry City Council
Tower Block
Coventry, CV1 2PY
explaining clearly what stretch of road they want to close and exactly when on 31
December the closure should begin and when on 1 January they hope the road will re-open.
The Council will consider how important the road is to traffic flow and will consult
the police before making a final decision. Major roads will not be closed, nor will bus
"Please consider carefully what plans you and your neighbours have for the turn of
the Millennium" said Councillor McNicholas. "It is illegal to obstruct roads or
pavements unless you have obtained a temporary closure order. If people think they might
want to mark the new year in this way, they should contact the Council as soon as
possible. Have a good new years celebration"