Coventry is
leading the way in Personal and Social Education in schools by hosting a conference at Elm
Bank Teachers Centre next week. The conference will tackle many of the issues raised
in the governments new curriculum proposals unveiled in May, which dealt with the
personal and social development of young people. In particular it will look at how
improvements in literacy can raise young peoples self esteem and achievements.
Estelle Morris MP, Minister for School Standards and former Coventry schoolteacher, will
be attending to make the closing speech.
Headteachers and teachers from primary and secondary schools from all over Coventry and
Warwickshire have been invited to attend the conference, as well as colleagues from
further and higher education and national experts in this work. The conference will
include workshops focussing on the importance of schools working closely with parents and
local communities.
Councillor, George Duggins; Chair of Education and Cultural Affairs PCC says;
"The subjects in this area of the curriculum, such as building self-esteem and
assertiveness, re an important part of developing young citizens of the future. We
appreciate the importance of this work and have been extremely quick off the mark with our
conference on personal and social education."
Proposals in the new national curriculum set out areas of social and personal
development for all ages. For the youngest pupils this includes learning how to set simple
goals, keep safe, and recognise that bullying is wrong. For older pupils this could
include good parenting and its value to family life, strategies for resolving
disagreements in relationships peacefully, and how to challenge offending behaviour