Organisations across Coventry have worked together to develop a
leaflet outlining safer sex practice and detailing sexual health services for young people
in Coventry. The leaflet has been developed for young people by involving young people
from Youth Action and other youth organisations. They also provided the people to be
photographed on the front cover.
Organisations involved in the development of the leaflet include Coventry Health
Authority, Youth Action (HIV Network), Womens Health Information Centre,
Genito-Urinary Medicine, Schools Advisory Service and British Pregnancy Advisory Service.
Phil Deakin, Health Promotion Specialist at Coventry Health Authority said:
"We know that young people need good quality information concerning their sexual
health needs and information on accessing services available for them. This leaflet,
developed through involving young people, provides information in a young people friendly
format. The leaflet has photographs of the locations of services and directions in
language young people understand. Hopefully, this will lead to young people more readily
using the services that are available for them. This is a Coventry leaflet for
Coventrys young people."
Alison Boffin from Youth Action, who had a lead role in designing and involving young
people on the leaflet, has also used the leaflet in a recent schools conference. She says:
"I used the leaflet in my session. They proved very popular because the
participants could relate o the young people on the front and realised that it was about
Coventry services for young people in Coventry."
Phil Deakin also said:
"Theres a lot of talk nowadays of the need to work in partnership and
involving young people in projects focused on them. This leaflet is an example of agencies
working in partnership and of a project involving young people."
The leaflet will be distributed to young people through the agencies on the leaflet,
through schools and colleges, doctors surgeries, youth information shops and other
agencies working with young people.
Keen eyed people will also notice the Hands On logo at the back of the
leaflet. Some 30,000 Hands On cards were distributed to young people across
Coventry earlier this summer. This Hands On logo is being developed as a sign
for young people focused services and projects across Coventry. Young people should look
out for the logo because it means a service delivered for them.