- October 2001
My ancestors came from Coventry
to Australia during the last century.
I would love to hear from people
connected to the name of HENFREY and WOODWARD.
I enjoyed and admired your
beautiful city when I visited it briefly six years ago and one
day I will return.
Diana Ford <
Sydney, Australia

I am trying to establish the date
of death of my Great Uncle, Leslie Padmore, who is buried in
Claverdon Churchyard. He died sometime in the last 30 years or
I live in the United States and
am finding it difficult to find contact information for the
Vicar of Claverdon if indeed there is a full time Vicar there.
I would greatly appreciate it if
you could point me in the right direction to find this
Simon Kitchen-Dunn <
[EDITOR : can
anyone help?]

[20 OCT 01] CORPUS
I went to Corpus
Christi primary school in Coventry (1960-65) and then on to Cardinal
Wiseman Girls Grammar (1965-70).
I would like to contact any old
school pals, particularly:
Corpus Christi - Valerie Newstead
Cardinal Wiseman - Kathy
Crawford, Judith Sampson, Tatty Tyler.
Loraine Mundee-Pennington

[20 OCT 01] WOOD
I went to Wood
End primary school until 1980, and then went on to Woodway
Park School and Community College (1980-84).
I left Coventry in 1984 and now
live in Weston super Mare.
I'd like to hear from anyone who
remembers me!!
My daughters go to Woodway now
and at least one of the teachers who taught me (Mr Harman) is
still there.
Martin Jones <

[16 OCT 01] STOKE
My name is Jacqueline
Morris (née Hill). I use to
live at 146 Clovelly Road, Wyken, Coventry.
I began Stoke
Heath Infants School when I was five in 1950. I also had 6
sisters that went to that school too. My eldest sister's name is
Audrey - next was our Brenda, next was our Margaret then me -
after me was our Annette, next our Eileen and last but not least
my youngest sister our Carol.
I remember the long walks to
school as a kid - the cold snow going down my wellies causing
chapping and chilblains. I remember the jungle gym draped with
kids. I remember the toilets at the far end of the playground. I
remember the big brass school bell being rung to let us know
school had begun and ended. I remember fights in the playground
and us kids making a circle around the pair fighting shouting
out for the one we wanted to win.
I remember picking my younger
sister up from the nursery. I remember the assemblies every
morning. I remember the hymns we sang. I remember the wooden
desks, the ink wells made of white pottery in the corner. I
remember the nibbed pens and the mess they made I remember my
blotting paper all inked up. I remember at home time, all us
kids made such a racket running out of the class rooms. I
remember they were really long days.
People I remember from primary
school include: Celia Taylor, Jill Kemble, Cynthia Cadden,
Sandra Kane, Pat King, Sheila Wigman, Rita Hardwick, Christine
Docherty, Kathleen Higley, Julie Brown, Diane Sutton, Carole
Degg, Valerie Heron, Sylvia White, Janice Thompson, Margaret
I also went to Wyken
Croft primary school (1952-54), Stoke
Council Junior (1954-56) and Stoke Council Senior (1956-58).
Then I
went to Lyng
Hall School from 1958 to 1960. I was in Alpha House, in the
cookery room. Mrs Main was the Teacher, Miss. Davis was the
House Mistress and Miss Imms was the Head Mistress.
People I remember from secondary
school include: Christine Ingram, Dorothy Slinn, Margaret
Martin, Joan Gregory, Tony Langdal, Alan Emery, Mick-Mart-Terry,
Margaret Spicer, Barry McVeigh, Royston Oldam, Vicky Lawrence,
Chris Western, Maureen Barnett, Ann Cox, Pauline Nelmes, Gillian
sister, Carol Millburn (née
Hill) is already on the Find
a School Friend lists. She now lives in New Zealand and I now
live in Perth, Western Australia.
I also had two more sisters at
Lyng Hall - Eileen Hill and Annette Hill.
I was one of seven girls and
always wanted a brother. When I was 40 years old I was told that
I had one who had been adopted out when he was 9 months old. I
was told that he married a girl called Christine from Alpha
House who I have since met here in Perth.
I told Christine that my Mum was
a dinner lady in Alpha House, so although David my brother never
got to meet his real Mum his wife did all those years ago.
My Mum came over to Perth from
Coventry to meet Christine - David's wife, but Mum never met her
son. David died aged 29 years here in Perth. My
Mum has also passed away, so maybe they have now.
Jacqueline Morris [née
Hill] <

[10 OCT 01] ROYAL
came across your site while browsing the net in search of a
Royal Warwickshire Fusiliers Association. I hope you can help.
I want to get in touch with
former members of the Regiment, in particular those who served
in Cyprus between 1955-59 as I am writing a book about service
personnel who there in the final days of colonial rule.
Plenty of details about my
project are on the Cyprus pages:
Any leads to the Fusiliers,
gratefully received at this end.
David Carter <
PS I found your site very
informative as I've never visited the Midlands. Now maybe I will
- next summer!

[10 OCT 01] ASH
I went to Ash
Green school in Coventry (1980-84).
I left Coventry in 1991 and now
live in Denmark.
I would like to contact people
who were at the school the same time as I was.
Lee Allton <

[07 OCT 01] JAGUAR
1966 S MODEL
I am looking for information on a
1966 S Model Jaguar 3.8 litre.
Can anyone help?
Rus Richardson <

[02 OCT 01] FOLLY
Hi, my name is Mary Jones, it was
Mary Baskerville.
I went to Folly Lane school, in
Humber Road, during World War II, then to Stoke Council Girls
school (1938-46).
I remember the
headmistress, Miss Garlick and then Miss Morewood, also Miss
There were many from Stoke
Aldermoor, and Humber Avenue and St Georges Road, including:
Areasybil Holland, Sally Pollard,
Dot Jones, Eileen Villiers, Doreen
Baker, Edna Tranter, Edna Eyckelbosch, Maggie Cross,
Kathleen Campbell
and so many more.
I left the UK in 1954 and now
live in Orlando, Florida.
I would love to hear from anyone
who is still around.
Mary Jones [née Baskerville]
