- September 2000
I left Coventry in 1988 and now
live in west Wales.
I'm looking for an old friend,
Patricia Maxwell, last known address was in 1962, at Tile Hill
Lane - she lived opposite a school.
Patricia attended Bishop
Ullathorne Girls School. She left in 1961/62 and went to work at
Owen and Owen's.
Merv Williams <

I was hoping that there would be
someway I could get your assistance in helping me to locate
My father died last October and
with him went the largest secret ever. Apparently during the war
he fathered a child named Patricia Cromshaw. My Dad was
stationed in Aldershot with the Canadian Army and the woman he
was with there (Ilene Cromshaw) lived somewhere in the area.
Patricia would be around 54 maybe
and for some strange feeling I believe her to be in the Coventry
area. I realise that this request is probably above and beyond
and I know it's a shot in the dark. But is there anyway I might
be able to find her?
I feel badly asking a stranger
but I would give my eye teeth to know this person. It would be
so wonderful to find a sister after fifty some odd years.
Yours Sincerely
Bonnie Rumballe <

[20 SEP 00] FINHAM
I went to Finham
Primary School in Coventry and then on to Tile
Hill Wood Secondary School (1964-70).
I left Coventry in 1973 and now
live in Newcastle upon Tyne.
I would like to contact Sue
Davis, Maggie, Val or any other girls from my years at school
who might remember me.
Kathleen Bentley <

[20 SEP 00] SPON
We both went to Spon
Gate school, Coventry in the 1940's.
We're having a reunion
at The Nugget, Coundon Green, Coventry at 7.30pm this evening.
Do come along if you went to Spon
We haven't got email but you can
contact us by phone.
Beryl Pratt & Phyllis
Tweed < 024 7633 3960 >

I went to Queens
Road primary school in Nuneaton (1970-74) and then on to Manor
Park secondary school also in Nuneaton (1978-82).
Does anyone remember me or David
Roy Grimes <

I went to Hartshill
Infants School (1947-49), then on to Hartshill
Juniors and then Hartshill
High School.
Two old childhood friends -
myself and Rachel Weber (née
Duncan) - are looking for Susan Stretton of Arlon Avenue,
Nuneaton. She went to Hartshill School. She then moved to
Ramsgate about 1950.
I still live locally in St
Patricks Road, Coventry.
Pauline Walker [née Picken]

[17 SEP 00] LYNG
I went to Lyng
Hall school from 1964-71. I remember Jacqueline Beddows and
Tessa Parkin.
Anyone know their whereabouts
I would love to hear from anyone
that remembers me.
Lynne Seymour [née
Mitchell] <

[14 SEP 00] COOPER
Hi my name is Lesley Thornton
[née Cooper], I went to Moseley
Avenue Junior School from 1964-1970.
In 1970 when I was 10 years old
my family emigrated to New Zealand. We travelled by sea on board
the Shaw Savill Line MV Akaroa, which caught fire on the way but
we got here okay.
I now live in Auckland, New
Zealand. I am married with two children.
I am visiting Coventry from 24
September to 15 October 2000 and am hoping to track down some
relatives for my family history research.
I would like to make contact with
a Paul Westwood, who used to own a newspaper shop on the
Foleshill Road near Harnall Lane (60's/70's). Also a Tony
Spencer who used to live in Lavender Avenue, Coundon.
So far I have traced my COOPER
family back to Monks Kirby (1792), my WESTWOOD family back to
Coventry (1891), my ANDERTON family back to Great Packington
(1807ish) and the SPENCER family back to Coventry (1842).
I have some birth and marriage
certificates to get when I come over and will then be able to
progress a bit further back.
My great grandfather Paul Enoch
WESTWOOD was a Master Baker (shop at 58 Castle Street, Coventry)
and a Freeman of the City.
I hope to do more research into
those areas. He was born in 1871. A family story is that he used
to ride a penny farthing from Tipton to Coventry to visit my
great grandmother Martha Ann SPENCER. He died in 1951.
I would also like to find out who
my grandfather's brothers and sisters were, so any descendants
of John COOPER and Harriett (née CLARKE), would you please step
They married 1888 in Coventry,
their first daughter Ada was born in Mancetter in 1889, their
first son (my grandfather) John was born in Wolvey in 1891.
After that I am not sure of their
movements except that they did move to Coventry for a while and
there may be other sons called George, William and Charles.
After the mother Harriett died, the father John remarried a Mrs
Wells. The family lived
for a while at the back of the Post Office on Engleton Road
before moving away.
My grandfather left home when
young and went to live with the family of a friend - Richard
Bissell. (I am in contact with a member of the Bissell family
He went on to join the territorial forces
and then to war in the 1/7th Batallion
Royal Warwickshire Regiment. He served with Colonel Cash. He was
made Acting Regimental Sergeant Major.
In WW2 he commanded a company in the Home
Guard as Major. He had a loud voice and could be heard from one
side of Coventry to the other, so I am told. According to a
newspaper article in the Coventry Telegraph in 1963, "his
unit was no doubt the best unit in Coventry".
Do these names sound familiar to
Lesley Thornton <

Hi my name is Lesley Thornton
[née Cooper], I went to Moseley
Avenue Junior School from 1964-1970.
have many memories of my schooldays including teachers Pearson,
Rushworth, Barnett and Webb.
My class put on a show to say
goodbye to me when I left school in April 1970.
I remember the toilets in the
toilet block freezing over in winter and having to line up in
two queues to use the staff room toilets.
Other memories include:
- Snowball fights in winter
hiding behind giant snowballs.
- Water in the radiators
freezing and being sent home because there was no heat.
- Hymns we sang at assembly.
- Being a milk monitor and
putting the holes in the lids and the straws into the
- Books such as 'Stig' and
'Professor Brainstorm' read on a Friday afternoon before
home time.
- Having lots of time off school
with tonsilitis.
- Swimming lessons at
Livingstone Road swimming baths.
- A group of actors put on a
play about the Romans in Britain.
- The wendy house in the junior
- Looking out from the junior
class onto the playing fields.
- Playing netball on the one
occasion I made the team. Needless
to say it didn't happen again.
- Playing rounders.
- Going to school on a Saturday
to do screen printing.
- Going to Stratford-on-Avon on
a school trip and seeing Anne Hathaway's cottage (could have
been Mary Arden's actually).
- Being part of a concert and
one of the boys played the drums, he was really good.
The names of children that I
shared a class with have become a blur, earliest on was Jane
Pearson (our teacher Mrs Pearson's daughter). I remember saying
I thought she was good at drawing and she said "it is a
gift, everyone is good at something!" I thought that was
very reassuring.
In later years Bruno Dilli, Keith
Finch, Tony P, Jane C, Elizabeth, Mary, Susan Parker, Geraldine,
Julie Barnett, Susan Bullock (these last two girls lived across
the road from me in Sussex Road).
My grandfather was one of the
lollipop men on the road crossing down at the Holyhead Road /
Four Pounds Avenue intersection. His name was John Cooper. We
lived at 50 Sussex Road, Coundon before we left for NZ.
I remember my brother and I used
to go home for lunch (dinner) and getting a lift back to school
on dad's bike. I think we went to the canteen for our lunch only
once or twice.
No doubt I will remember more in
time but this will do for a start.
Lesley Thornton <

I attended Frederick
Bird Primary School (1956-63)
after which I went to Whitley
Are there any reunions?
Rob Thacker
