- August 2000
I went to Woodlands
secondary school in Coventry from 1979 to 1983. I was in
Perrins house with Harris as housemaster.
I left Coventry in 1989 and now
live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Nigel Gale <

[27 AUG 00] THE
My name is Janet Mills (née
Stretton) and my husband is John Mills.
We both attended Park
Avenue Infants School, Park Avenue, Attleborough, Nuneaton
from September 1942 to July 1950.
The Headmistress of the Infants
was Mrs Randle, and the Headmaster of the Juniors was Mr F Mills
(Daddy Mills). Some other teachers were Miss Jones, Mr Fenton,
Miss Lenton, Mr Lenton, Miss Starkey (who later married Mr
Lenton) and Miss Robinson.
There was a school reunion
sometime in 1996 (I think) and some of our old school friends
have sent us photos of the event.
After Park Avenue I went on to Manor
Park Secondary Modern Technical High School (1950-55).
While at Manor Park Tech School I
was a member of the then famous School Choir which was organised
and conducted by the school's music mistress - Miss Moore. The
headmaster was Mr Goodburn, and some other teachers at the time
were Mrs Fifield, Mr Russell, Mr Bacon and Miss Payne.
I would be interested to know if
any friends from Manor Park School Choir has a copy of the
recording made when the school choir performed at the opening of
the George Elliot Gardens or when we appeared on the Eamon
Andrews show on TV.
Friends in the choir were Maureen
Martin and Mary Jarvis who I've kept in touch with. Other
friends that I have lost contact with are Joyce Haddon, Joan
May, Carol, and Sheila. We sure had some great times and our
visits all over the country singing in the choir made some happy
memories. My sister Kay (Kathleen) and cousin Jackie (Jacquline)
Stretton were also members of the choir in later years.
My husband to be went on to King
Edward VI Grammar School after Park Avenue - he was there
John and I emigrated with our
family to Australia in 1965 and have returned for holidays quite
a number of times and have kept in touch with some of our school
friends and also with Mrs Lenton (née
Starkey) up until her death.
I visit CWN on the net about once
a week but have never seen any reference to Park Avenue School
and thought I would ask you to add it to your list please so
that other pupils who visit your site can perhaps contact each
I've been told that the school
has or is scheduled to be closed. It's such a sad thing to hear,
as there is so much local history and sentiment attached to the
My mother and her siblings
attended this school and were also taught by Mr Lenton, Miss
Lenton and Miss Robinson. I still have a photo of my mother
sitting at her desk in Miss Robinson's class and another of her
younger brother dancing in the school hall. I'm sure that there
are other ex pupils that have happy memories and treasured
memorabilia of the school.
Regards to all,
Janet Mills <

I attended Frederick
Bird Infants and Juniors Schools (1957-63) and then Frederick
Bird senior school from 1963-67.
I am wondering if there is anyone
out there from that time, or anyone who knows of Kenneth Whenham
who emigrated to Australia about 1964.
Alan Salisbury <

I went to Westgate
primary school in Warwick (1970-74) and then to Newburgh
primary school (1974-77) before going on to Aylesford
High School (1977-81).
I left Warwick in 1986 and now
live in Rome, Italy.
I would like to find Tina Harris,
Jayne Quinney, Jackie Payne, Wendy Wiles or anyone else who can
remember me!
Deborah Wilson <

[19 AUG 00] BINLEY
I went to Binley
Park School in Coventry between 1971 and 1978.
I would like to hear from anyone
who was in my form (K), namely:
Martin Johnson, Paul Haines,
Colin Knight, Andrew Marchi, Suresh Munyal, Alan Logan, Steve
McCauley, Stuart McGregor, Stuart Jones, Keith Mason, Steve
Lillycrop, Gary Meffen, David McCartney.
Jennifer Maughan, Margaret
Maughan, Louise Kettell, Stephanie Pegg, Lyndsey Halliwell,
Debbie Haywood, Catriona McNeill, Carol Moy, Elizabeth Moore,
Moya Lloyd, Cathryn Page, Karen Moorcroft, June Jenkins.
I have started a website about
Binley Park School:
I left Coventry in 1996 and now
live in Bicester.
Neil Grantham <

I wonder if you can help me. I
lost contact with a good friend a few years ago, and am pinning
my hopes on trying to find her again.
Her name is/was Lynne Hutchinson
- although it may have changed if she got married. She is 29
years old, her and her folks moved to Nuneaton in late
1984/early 1985 from South Africa.
We were in written contact up
until 1990 and I then moved from my old address, but never got
any mail there after even having left a forwarding address. In
1988/89 she would have been attending Hull University.
I know this is an extremely long
shot at finding her, but I've got to try it. She also has a
younger sister named Catherine. Her parents to my knowledge may
still be in the Nuneaton area.
I would really be grateful if
anyone could help me. I am looking for an email or postal
address for her.
Best Regards
Miguel Guerreiro <

[13 AUG 00] BINLEY
I went to Binley
Park Secondary Modern school in Coventry from 1966 to 1972.
I am looking for any ex
schoolfriends: Robin Bradley, Mike Guest, Joanne Stevenson and
Malcolm Houndle.
Alistair Durham <

Hi from yet another ex-pat
"Coventry Kid" from Dallington Road (No.92) in Coundon.
We certainly seem to be scattered to the four winds from that
I attended Coundon
Primary School and then Bablake
from 1962 to 1968. I later did an apprenticeship at Dunlop,
Holbrook Lane.
I now live in Auckland, New
Zealand and have been here since 1981.
I wonder if anyone will admit to
having known me. I'd like to hear from anyone who may remember
me (except if I owe them money).
Also, in particular, does anyone
have any news of Sylvia (née) Alford who used to live in Wyken
Croft and went to Barrs Hill? I'd love to know what happened to
Other names from the past: Bob
Cox, Dave Morgan, Hazel Adams, Julie Wood and oh so many more!
Congrats to CWN for an excellent
site - it's good to keep in touch with the old home town.
Kim Appletree <
