- May 1998 [24 MAY 98] Looking for an Old Friend
My name is Irene Petrillo and I live in New York City.
I am looking for an old boyfriend from 50 years ago. His
name is Ronald Winterbottom. He lived at Ansty Road, Wyken, Coventry. We were once engaged
and I loved him very much. Anyone with information to his whereabouts please contact me.
His father name was Joshua and they were in the car industry.
Irene Petrillo <>
Editor: As always with this type of request
we suggest that anyone who knows the person being sought to pass the message on to them
before giving out their details

[24 MAY 98] WebCam
The video option is really great - well done. I think
alternating is a good idea especially as it lets people see more of Coventry than the
Gents toilet!! Seeing the Peeping Tom clock could be quite popular.
What about those people who arrange to wave to others? It
takes a long time to set up with another E-Mail correspondent and could be disappointing
if you've changed the view
Keep up the good work - it's an excellent page.
Mary Wood <>
Editor: Anyone setting up a 'Virtual Wave'
on our WebCam can always email or
phone (01203 630476) us to make sure it's pointing in the right direction

[22 MAY 98] Live Cam
Hello everyone!
Just thought I'd let you know I like the live cam view
overlooking Broadgate and the area just in front of Godiva's statue. My daughter is over
there right now visiting family before taking off to Europe. She and some of my family
posed for me at that site today at 6.45pm your time - lunchtime here in my office. I got
to see them wave at me! Got a big kick out of it! (I lead a quiet life - to me, this is
Couple of things though. I printed off the photo of them
looking up at the camera but your 'Today's View' at the top of the page indicates the view
is the one of NatWest Bank - which it wasn't. When I clicked on your 'Any views about the
View' I got no response. I'm still having trouble once I've brought up the view in that it
doesn't seem to change every 30 seconds. Instead my screen goes blank as if it's updating
but the same view comes back. The only way I get to update the view is to close down the
Net completely and go in again?
Anyway, the main thing was I did get to glimpse them today!
Thanks guys!
Linda Ramirez <>
Editor: We're still making some adjustments
with the settings and the position of the new WebCam - check
the WebCam help file if you have any

[24 MAY 98] The view....
Hi, this has got to be the nicest view yet. I use the
Cambridge University web site to keep an eye on the weather in an area near a friend's
house and the image is rather dull (only looks over the tops of buildings) so it is
pleasant to see a few people and things going on!
Jamie Ayres <>

[17 MAY 98] Carol & Gareth Jones
We have enjoyed reading the entries in the guestbook. We
lived in Coventry until 1981 when we moved to Canada. Gareth attended King Henry VIII from
1952 - 62, played rugby for the Old Laurentians RFC from 1965 - 81 and married Carol (nee
Eardley) in 1968. Carol attended Nuneaton High School from 1960 - 65. We have two kids,
Helen, who now lives in Melbourne, Australia and Richard, who lives in Vancouver BC.
We enjoy looking at the webcam and checking the weather in
Coventry. Although we now live in one of the most beautiful cities in the world, Vancouver
BC, we miss Coventry and our old friends. If anyone remembers us, we would appreciate an
Keep up the good work with the website.
Carol & Gareth Jones <>

[17 MAY 98] Search for family name: Wincoate / Wincott
I am looking for information on Cesar Wincoate of Knowle
circa 1750, and William Wincott of Harbury (married to Maria) circa 1800, and shall be
grateful if anyone has a record of either or both.
Thanks for any assistance
John Wincott <>

[17 MAY 98] Morris apprentice in the USA
This guestbook has been so effective for me, I would like
to look for folks who knew my father-in-law Alan Huckvale of Kenilworth. His companies
(Bunty Coach and H & H Transport) were operating in the 30s to 50s and his grandson
(my son Toby) continue the tradition in North Carolina today.
If you have an interest, visit our web site at
and click on UK History. There are two photographs of Kenilworth and some of Granpa's
employees that I hope will be recognized. I am hoping to hear from some of the families
and pass on some stories to Granpa's widow (Phyliss Huckvale) who still lives in
I was a Morris Apprentice 1960-65, and Foreman at No 2
works 1965-69. Anyone know: Jack Lowe, Ted Goll, Eddie Meyer, Horace Jones, Ted Dinan,
Haines, Bob Busby, Martin Stockwell, Robin Sharp, John Andrews?
Alan Briggs <>

[17 MAY 98] Coventry's Live WebCam - Bring back the Gents!
Bring back the Gents I say - though I'm sure the camera was
actually pointing at the entrance to the Ladies (or there were some funny fellows going
down the steps!!)
Don't like the High Street cos I can't see the people -
let's see the Godiva statue in Broadgate and that funny tent covering ...
William Hartley <>
Cornwall, USA
Editor: Which WebCam
view do you prefer?

[16 MAY 98] Whitley Abbey Comprehensive School
I would like to hear from anyone who was at Whitley Abbey
Comprehensive School from Sept 1959 to Dec 1962. My old address was 68 Rutherglen Avenue,
Many Thanks
John D Lawrence <>

[16 MAY 98] Ancestor search: John Mussell
I am searching for information concerning a certain John
Mussell (also spelled Mufsel), supposedly born in Coventry in 1776 and married to a
Catherine, born in Coventry in 1776. Both immigrated to Canada. If you have any
information about them, please contact me.
Thank you
Alan Mussell <>

[16 MAY 98] The View
I'm really enjoying the viewcam's ambling about ... a
veritable peripatetic little beast. Both views look best by night. This is particularly
the case looking into Cathedral Lanes. I know Lady Godiva's there, but the definition
appears at night. Look forward to seeing her for real next week ... one poor, sad, exiled
Coventry Kid!
Anne Stanyon <>

[16 MAY 98] Search for family name: Hinks
Looking for any historical information about our family. My
father's family is believed to have come from the Coventry area. Our family name is Hinks.
Orginally settled in Newfoundland which then was not a part of Canada. Any information
would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
Roderick Hinks <>
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

[14 MAY 98] CWN WebCam - Cool!
Hi, I'm a Coventry born student at Sheffield Hallam Uni and
I think that the live WebCam is reallllly good. I am doing my exams at the mo and I am
missing home like mad because I am away from my girlfriend in Coventry. I am trying to
arrange a time for my girlfriend to appear on the camera. My only grumbles are of the
picture quality and the fact that the camera keeps moving from day to day.
Nice one CCFC!!
Phil Penney <>
Editor: We're currently experimenting with
the webcam - trying new views and new
picture quality/refresh rate balances. More new developments soon!

[13 MAY 98]
Hi out there. My name is Linda Williams (nee Reading) and I
now live in Edmonton, Alberta Canada. I have a previous entry from 1996 but thought I
would add another.
I lived on the Foleshill Road until approximately 1953 when
I moved to Dallington Road, Coundon. I went to Barker Butts School.
I wonder if anyone 'out there' knows of a Pat Hales (maiden
name). She lived on the Foleshill Road until approximately 1952/53 when she moved to
Walsgrave. She had a large family. Her eldest brother was called Dick and her 'baby'
sister was Elizabeth. We were good friends when we were young and living in Foleshill but
lost touch when we were about ten. Last time I saw her was shortly after her family moved
to Walsgrave. I seem to remember that she went to London to train as a nurse. I often
wonder where she is and if anyone knows her whereabouts, I would love to hear from them.
I would also love to hear from my cousin Wendy (nee
Reading). She had an older brother Keith. We were best pals when we were kids but I have
not seen her since I was 13 and she lived in Wolston. I have many happy memories of Wendy
and would love to hear from her.
I have been living in Canada for 21 years with my family.
My husband is Graham. We have 3 daughters, 4 granddaughters amd 1 grandson. If anyone
remembers us or would just like to chat to exiled Coventry Kids we would love to hear from
Linda Williams <>

[6 MAY 98] 60th Wedding Anniversary
I don't know if any of you remember my
Mum and Dad, Meg and Bert Fauchon? They live in Edyth Road in Wyken, Coventry. They used
to live in Pembroke Road, Holbrooks; that's where I remember us living during the war. My
Dad used to get into all sorts of trouble at the Hen Lane Club, where he used to go on
Saturday after working nights at the Coventry Chain. He was well known as a good union
man, but best of all as the best Dad anyone could ever wish for. I think every kid in the
street called him 'uncle Bert'. He has been well looked after by my Mum, Megan, to most,
though that's not her real name. She cooked the best Sunday Dinner I have tasted to this
Well, it's their 60th wedding anniversary and this weekend
they are going with some of our relatives to the 'Walsgrave' for a nice dinner. If any one
who remembers would like to go and say Hello, Meg and Bert, I'd sure appreciate it. I made
a page for them, if you'd like to visit it's at
Perhaps sign the book, while you're at it.
Rob Fauchon, number 1 son <>

[6 MAY 98] CWN WebCam
Here at the University of Warwick we no longer have dull
evenings, in fact we no longer have good evenings, we have FANTASTIC evenings and now the
WebCam has moved to the other side it's even better. Sometimes I feel like shouting from
the highest building:
Thank you, my life is still superb don't ever take this
Alistair Cunningham <mSuVw@Csv.waRWIcK.aC.Uk>
[The unofficial CWN net cam fan club owner]
Editor: Look out for new developments on
the webcam coming soon!

[6 MAY 98] CWN WebCam
Here at the University of Warwick we no longer have dull
evenings, in fact we no longer have good evenings, we have FANTASTIC evenings and now the
WebCam has moved to the other side it's even better. Sometimes I feel like shouting from
the highest building:
Thank you, my life is still superb don't ever take this
Alistair Cunningham <mSuVw@Csv.waRWIcK.aC.Uk>
[The unofficial CWN net cam fan club owner]

[5 MAY 98] The Lady of Coventry
Nice view of the statue, almost!
The family said in the last visit that there are benches
around the 'awning' and if it rains the water falls off the awning and down your neck!
Still all in all I wish I was in Coventry.
Andrew Docker <>
Oceanside CA USA

[5 MAY 98] New WebCam View
It's that awful 'tent' they put over the Lady Godiva statue
in Broadgate to give access to the 'new' shopping area - Trinity Lanes I believe it is
Thanks for the new views - adds to my frequent visits -
looking forward to visiting in person in late August.
Robert T Cowzer <>
Baton Rouge USA

[5 MAY 98] William Goodman Henfrey
Hello from Australia to everyone in Coventry. I visited
your beautiful city five years ago when I travelled through England.
Coventry is dear to me because I have since found out my
great great grandfather, William Goodman Henfrey and his wife Anne came from your city.
They travelled to Australia around 1850 to settle in Sydney, New South Wales. William
became a double aerated sodawater manufacturer.
I would love to make contact with anyone who is connected
to this family.
Best wishes to you all
Diana Ford <>

[4 MAY 98] WebCam View
I left Coventry in 1971 but certainly remember the current
view. I remember it as Broadgate Island (when traffic actually went around it!) looking up
towards Trinity Street. The Peeping Tom / Lady Godiva clock would be up on the right hand
side just out of view.
I visit the CWN Site at least once a week, and try to visit
Coventry in person once a year. My parents still live in Coventry and somehow your site
with all the news and information always makes me feel closer to them. Keep up the good
Joy Kefford (nee Atkins) <>
