- March 1998 [29 MAR 98] Sewalls
I am interested in hearing from Sewall ancestors in
Coventry and Warwickshire.
David Sewall <>
Old Town, Maine USA

[28 MAR
98] The Birches, Tamworth Road
We are trying to find out something of the history of 'The
Birches', on the Tamworth Road. It was, at one time, the Nurses' Home for Keresley
Hospital, and may have belonged to Lord Iliffe. We would be grateful for any information.
Rosh Bokhoree <>

[28 MAR
98] Bradley Family
Hi all
I wonder if anyone can help me, I am new at genealogy and
my father-in-law who is not very well, has aked me to help find some information on his
Could anyone there give me an e-mail address for anyone
doing the Bradley or Piper family tree?
The only information I have is that her name was Florence
Bradley and she married a John Gordon Piper. They had two children:
- Doreen, who died very young around 1915? from the 'Spanish
- Ronald Gordon Piper born 2/12/1921 now living in Tasmania,
I do know that Florence is buried in a cemetary in Walsall
somewhere? on a hill as my dad said he could see the cemetery from the school window. I
think he went to Walsall Public School and he was about 6 or 7 when she died.
His parents at sometime ran a hotel in Meriden called the
Bull's Head.
On my father-in-laws birth certificate which was registered
in the 'Coventry District, Sub District of Coventry South West in the Counties of CB etc'
it states that their residence was 29 High Street, Coventry in 1921.
As my father-in-law is ill, I would like to be able to tell
him more about his mother. Can anyone help me?
I can be contacted by e-mail at or by
mail at PO Box 727, Katoomba NSW Australia.
Many thanks and I look forward to hearing from you.
Christine Piper <>

[23 MAR
I would like to see a conference about Gay issues and Gay
life in Coventry. For far too long gay people in Coventry have put up with sub standard
venues and terrible social facilities. It is fair to say that the Gay scene in Coventry is
almost as bad as the straight scene for the lack of excitement and quality. However, the
choice of pubs is appalling.
Although it has improved in the last year, the improvement
(mainly the opening of "Rainbows"), is still not enough. I think that it is time
that Coventry's gays stood together more and really developed a sense of community. Only
then will we be able to improve life in Coventry and combat the homophobia that some of us
encounter on a daily basis.
Jonathan Patrick < >

[23 MAR
98] Honey Hall Farm
Hi, Coventry
I am hoping someone out there will remember the area of
land, on Broad Lane, where WOODLANDS SCHOOL is now situated, prior to the school being
My family - the ARNOLD's - owned this land, about 15 acres,
from the early 1800's until about 1927. The property was called 'Honey Hall Farm'. I would
like to locate any old photos, documents or other information relating to this property.
Many thanks
Brian Arnold <>

[22 MAR
98] Local Radio News
Great to be able to hear the local news on the net!
I no longer live local but like to keep up to date with
Coventry news
Mark Cooper <>
Editor: CWN broadcasts the news from local
radio station Mercia FM
every weekday in RealAudio format

[20 MAR
98] Fish and Chips
We are a school class in Rofors, Laxa, Sweden that every
Friday have English on our schedule.
We hope to be able to cook Fish and Chips this month, but
we don´t know how to make it. Can you help us with the recepie for it??
Daniel, Alexandra & Robin in Class 5 <>

[19 MAR
98] Mechanics
Looking for an email address for the college in Coventry
that deals with Mechanics.
Any suggestions?
With many thanks
Ian Morgan <>
