- February 1998 [29 FEB 98] Sewalls
I am interested in hearing from Sewall ancestors in
Coventry and Warwickshire.
David Sewall <>
Old Town, Maine USA

[25 FEB 98]
I miss Coventry!!!
Hello to all:
My name is Andrew Docker and I am proud to call Coventry my
I have just returned to the US after my fist return to
Coventry in 22 years, and I realize how much I miss it.
I will be marrying an English lady in August, in London, so
I hope to get a chance to show her my home town. I do consider it so even after living in
the US for 36 years.
I am glad to see the 'Sky Blues' doing so well this year
and hope they can keep it up.
I would be very interested in hearing from any of you that
care to write. I lived in Green Lane from 1959 to 1962 and attended Finham Street School.
Additionaly Mom and Dad would be very interested in hearing from their school chums. Their
names are Donald Docker and Greta Docker(nee Noy) and both lived on Redesdale Avenue for
many years.
I look forward from hearing from any or all of you soon.
Thank you
Andrew Docker <>

[15 FEB 98]
John Walter Harden
My name is Mike Brown and was recently tracking my lineage
when lo' and behold I discovered that they (ancestors) go through your beautiful town of
Coventry. I am currently looking for descendants of JOHN WALTER HARDEN, my gr gr gr gr
grandfather and 2nd cousins (or more removed) of Sir Walter Scott. John Harden's gr
grandfather was Robert Scott, as was Sir Walters. John worked at the Hawksberry Collier
near Coventry and the Warwickshire coal fields. John had married 3 times (Bacon, Cook,
Marcy) and had children with each. He emigrated to America with his family on the
ill-fated 'England' that had over 1000 passengers die from cholera en route. After
quarentine in Nova Scotia and New York they settled in Luzerne Co Pa where he managed the
Athrocite coal mines in Kingston.
John Harden was born 1816 and emigrated around mid to late
1800's. Eventually the family opened Harden and Son and emigrated further North to Cape
Cod, Mass. My Aunt and Uncle as well as my grandmother (Jean Harden(Peckham)) still live
If this sounds vaguely familiar to anybody please email me.
I appreciate and welcome all responses.
Michael Brown <>
Arizona, USA

[14 FEB 98]
Brinklow & Newbold c 1960-66
I lived at the old Brinklow Yacht Station from 1960 to
1966. I went to school at Monks Kirby 1960, and Newbold Grange High School 1961-66 when I
joined the Army. After many world travels I now live in Oakton, Virginia. I would like to
make contact with anyone who remembers Chris Haslam or members of the Haslam Family. My
father Charles ran the Yacht Station and was very active in 'boatie type activities'. My
E-Mail is either or Chris@boardman-penn.comm. I would welcome any
e-mail correspondence with parties from the area desiring to share news and details of the
Chris Haslam <>
Oakton, Virginia, USA

[14 FEB 98]
Monks Kirby & Pailton
Does anyone know the Johnston family from Pailton and are
they available on-line? In addition anyone familiar with the Old Monks Kirby School -
please contact me.
Chris Haslam <>
Oakton, Virginia, USA

[12 FEB 98]
Lost friend: Shelia McGettigan
My name is Mark Cooper and I'm looking for Shelia
McGettigan? Her mother and younger brother, Neil used to live at No.4 Hallbrook Road in
Whitmore Park. Last time I saw her was in 1980/1 and I was told that she moved shortly
aftwards to Hereford. If anyone has an address or telephone number please email me.
Mark Cooper <>
Editor: As always with this type of
request we suggest that anyone who knows the person being sought to pass the message on to
them before giving out their details
