- September 1997 [28 SEP 97] City Centre Live
Hi Coventry
We have been watching your live video for the last week and
it's great to see a place we know so well, especially as we are watching from New Zealand.
A big hello to everyone in Coventry
From the Cookes in New Zealand
Torbay, Auckland <>

[26 SEP 97] Tell the City
Council to get rid of that monstrous escalator!
Having had occasion to visit Coventry three weeks ago - for
the first time in 17 years and to bury my grandmother Elizabeth Filer, unfortunately -
while I was there I finally got to figure out what the live video was showing. Alas and
alack, it was that monstrosity of an escalator in the Upper Precinct!!
You can count me among those who are glad you have not only
updated the view from black and white to color, but have chosen to show a slightly
different perspective while you were at it.
I have been viewing your live video fairly regularly for
quite some months now, from my home in Palm Harbor, Florida (on the Gulf of Mexico, west
of Tampa), and use your CWN site to keep up on what's happening in my hometown - while you
can take the brit out of the country (and I do choose to live in a warmer climate), you
can never quite take the country out of the brit.
Keep up the good work!
Greetings from Florida!
David Atkins <>

[25 SEP 97]
My name is Chris Harrison nee Constable. I went to Barkers
Butts between 1959-62. Played netball for the school team and was Margaret house captain
in my senior year . We emigrated to the USA in 1968, would love to hear from anyone out
Thank you for a great Web link, it keeps us informed and
makes us just a little home sick.
Chris Harrison <>

[18 SEP 97] Live video
I have been looking at your live video pictures and find it
an excellent idea. Am I imagining it or have you swapped a monochrome camera for a colour
one Wednesday night? (And at the same time moved it.)
In response to your "Is 18k too much" question, I
think it is ok. Indeed an option for a more detailed, bigger picture would be a good extra
facility. Especially if it is being used as suggested in the "Evening Telegraph"
article. But then let's not run before we can walk!
Alex Robinson <>
Editor: Yes, we have swapped to a colour
camera. Hope everyone likes it!

[18 SEP 97]
Thank you for a wonderful website about my favorite city
anywhere in the world. I wasn't born there, but I had the immense good fortune to marry a
Coventry girl. Someday I shall leave dreary old California and move my family to your neck
of the woods, as we say over here. Anybody want to hire a broken down old California
You've been added to my bookmarks and I'll be visiting this
site often, and visiting dear old Cov in April. Til then, Play Up Skyblues!
Bob Nelsen <>

[16 SEP 97]
Interesting site and very nice to see the live video of the
City Centre. Enjoyed browsing the ads! I noticed that there was a childs car for sale and
a picture had been scanned in - for small private ads - is it possible to send the site a
picture to go with an ad? If so, what format do you prefer? I am not thinking of
advertising anything or flooding your site with tacky ads but genuinely intrested.
Anyway, enjoyed the web site and it was easy to use. The
size of the live video 'picture' was just right in my opinion.
A pat on the back for all involved. Well done.
Kaleem Butt <>
Editor: We are happy to receive
scanned photos to accompany small
ads - jpg or gif formats are best - up to 250 x 250 pixels in size. If you don't have
scanning facilities you can send in hard copy for us to scan - enclose an SAE for return.

[15 SEP 97] Family of
Albert Bailey
I am looking for the family of my GGrandfather, Albert
Bailey. I know his parents (Father - John Bailey, Mother - Sarah Waring), but does he have
any sisters or brothers? I would like to know.
Wayne McGillivray <>
Chico, CA, USA

[1 SEP 97] Help in
locating a penpal
For approximately ten years I corresponded with a penpal in
Coventry, England by the name of Elizabeth Bullock - year of birth 1953. We began our
correspondence after I wrote to the Mayor of Coventry and requested that he give the
letter to someone my age. I would appreciate any help in locating Elizabeth. My name is
Cindy Price, maiden name Keith, hometown Coffeyville, Kansas. Any help would be
Cindy Price <>