- May 1997 [26 MAY 97] FAMILY HISTORY
My grandparents were married in Coventry and came to
Australia. They were Cissie Louisa Milligan and William Melville Dwyer.
Yvonne <

[22 MAY 97] Davies Family
While 'surfing the Web' the thought came to check out my
fathers home land. I thoroughly enjoyed your web site and the many features you have
incorporated into it, especially the School Friend Locator.
This locator site gave me an idea to try and find my family
or their descendants (see below).
Again, I enjoyed myself and intend to come back for a
longer visit, maybe someday in person.

I am trying to locate my family or their relatives.
My cousins are: Yvonne Davies [maiden name] and her brother
Peter Davies
Mother: Mrs Eileen Davies and [I believe] father was Joe
Yvonne worked for the Embassy in the early 1950's, Peter
was a policeman in the early 1950's
Last known address was: 80 Kirkdale Lane, Coventry (1950's)
My father: Wilfred Maude Lawson - died 1949, Culver City,
California, USA. His sister was Eileen Davies
Thank you so much for any help you are able to lend.
Diane Maude Lawson-Booker <>

[19 MAY 97]
My name is Lynne Llewellyn (nee Eckersley). I am looking
for an old school friend who moved out to South Africa back in the late 60's, her name was
(and maybe still is) Janette Greenwood. We went to Cheylesmore Secondary Modern back in
1963-65 and then moved on to Whitley Abbey Comprehensive in 1965-68, after which I went to
Coventry Technical College and if, my memory serves me right, Janette went to South Africa
with her family as her father got transferred.
I moved to Canada back in 1970 , returned to England in
1976, and now I am living in Burlington, Ontario with my husband and two children, we have
been here since 1989. Janette, if you are there, hi, let's keep in touch.
Lynne Llewellyn < >

[18 MAY 97]
Spencer Family
I didn't grow up in Coventry, but my mother did. I'm
researching my family history - surname Spencer. My greatgrandmother, Annie Spencer hailed
from Coleshill - she married Joseph Baillie. Any information regarding Spencer's from
Coleshill would be most appreciated.
Stephen Morochnick <>

[17 MAY 97]
Thanks for such a really good site. Two of our family went
to the Pridmoor Road Primary School in Coventry and have asked me to give their details
for publication on the net in the hopes that some old friend may remember them. Their
details are:
Pridmoor Road, Primary School, Coventry
Years: 1953 - 1957??
Alan and Sandra Cole
We have been in Australia since 1961, but have fond
memories of Coventry.
Coral Cole <>

[16 MAY 97]
Hi, my name is Natalie McAteer and I am from Coventry but
am studying at University at Chester College. I miss dear old Coventry, and it was very
cool to find so much info about it on the net. Anyone out there who went to Corpus Christi
Primary School or Ullathorne Secondary school, drop me line at <>
love to hear from you
Natalie McAteer
University College Chester

[13 MAY 97]
My husband and I are British transplants living in the USA.
We are originally from Coventry, in fact I trained at Coventry and Warwickshire Hospital,
graduating in 1965. We are planning a trip home to visit family and found the Coventry web
site while surfing.
Chris and Geoff Harrison <>

[11 MAY 97]
I would like to be listed as a former pupil of President
Kennedy School, from 1972 to 1976 (I think). I was born June 7th 1961 and now live in
California USA. I have lost contact with a dear friend and former pupil Michael Evans.
Perhaps you can help.
And later the same day....
I have been cruising your web site for hours now, it's
excellent, a lot of interest for an ex Coventry kid. This is my second guest book entry
for today, I think this is a great way to keep Coventry kids connected. I left Coventry in
Jan 1987, and moved to California USA. Then they won the FA Cup as soon as I left, I was
disappointed to miss that, I believe it gave the city a boost. Anyway I see no entry for
Whitmore Park school, so please make this the first. I welcome any E mail from any Cov
Kids wherever they may be. It would be great to have direct contact with someone still in
I have already posted an entry for President Kennedy
School, and as best as I can remember I went to Whitmore Park from 1966 to 1971 or
something like that. I am now 35 years, and still proud to be from Coventry.
Andy Patrick <>

[10 MAY 97] Coventry Rugby Football Club
I browse the Coventry and Warks site regularly and think it
is great. My name is Mark Brooke. Although I grew up in Brum, I played rugby for Coventry
in the early 80's. I have lived in Dallas, Texas for the past 12 years. Does anyone out
there know of a teacher/coach called Barry Dorehty from Caludon Castle? Also, whatever
happened to Jim Broderick, Mike Twigger (Bablake), Kevin O'Connor (King Henry's), Chris
O'Brian (winger), Russ Whitworth (Barkers Butts) and 1st XV coach Jim Robinson? Are there
any players out there who were involved with Coventry from 1982-1985? If so, drop me an
Love the site, miss the city.
Mark Brooke <>
(See previous message 4 January 1997)

[8 MAY 97]
I commend you on coming up with the idea of having a guest
book that allows people like myself who left the area many years ago, and have lost touch
with their many school friends.
I migrated to Barbados in the Caribbean in 1972 immediately
after leaving Campion High School for Boys (1967 - 1972) in Leamington Spa.
I would enjoy hearing from any of my old (I shudder to use
that word) school pals.
Thanks for the opportunity
William Murrell <>

[6 MAY 97]
I would be pleased to hear from any of my contemporaries at
Bablake in classes 4L or 5 in the years 1947 or 48.
Alan Tovey <>
(See last entry 18
Jan 1997)

[5 MAY 97]
Hello! I was in Coventry in 1994. I travelled to the UK and
took Britrail all around England, Scotland and Wales. In England I visited York, Hull,
Blisworth, Wokingham, High Wycombe, Blisworth and of course London. The UK is the
greatest. I would love to hear of your British experiences!
Brandee Smith <>

[5 MAY 97]
I was born in Coventry in 1933. We lived in Malvern Road, and then later, when I was
married, in Worsfold Close, Allesley. I went to Coundon School, and then to Barr's Hill
from 1941 until 1945. We came to the US in 1966 and now live in Seattle, Washington.
Barbara Dalton (nee Elkins) <>

[5 MAY 97]
My name is Brian Arnold. I left Coventry in 1982 for
Adelaide, Australia. I am looking for descendants of the CHETWYNDS (my mothers maiden
name). Charles Chetwynd born 1859 married Selina Sadler in 1888 at St Michaels, Coventry.
Can anyone with any information please leave a message in the guestbook or use snail mail.
Brian Arnold
Box 918, Naracoorte 5271, South Australia

[4 MAY 97]
Hi. I'm glad to have found this site, the only connection I
have with Coventry, is that I stayed there for a month in '94, while visiting my wife's
grandmother, who was staying at Quinton Park at the time. She's still there, living in a
home now. My father and mother in-laws were both born and bred there before emigrating to
Godzone, I mean New Zealand where the best rugby players are, over 30 years ago, the
father inlaw lived in Thombridge Rd most of his life. We liked it in Coventry and traveled
from there to see the sites. In fact I like England for all her great history and we are
going to save up for another experience. Warwick Castle was the our first and most
memorable blast from the past visit. Must sign off, will visit again.
Jim & Kathryn Lewis <>

[4 MAY 97] Whitley Family
CWN was referred to me as a possible source of learning
more about the Whitley name. I was born in a small agriculture community of Oakdale,
Louisiana, USA in 1935. Since that time I have either lived or worked and lived in China;
Bangladesh; India; Thailand; Malaysia; Singapore; Australia; Phillipines; Irian Jaya,
Indonesia, Bali, Indonesia; Jakarta, Indonesia; Boreno, Indonesia; Port Morsby, New
Guinea; Madang, New Guinea; Rama River Basin area of New Guinea and numerous other places.
It was in Singapore that I found a Whitley Street and
Whitley School that had to be named after someone in Great Britain as Singapore was a
Colony for several years.
I have a lot of the Whitley information on the Whitleys in
Louisiana and Texas USA. They came to this area of the United States from the east coast.
I have not been able to trace the Whitley from the Kentucky area of the USA back to Great
Britian. Most of my family has always been farmers until my generation and I was the first
Any assistance reference information on the Whitley name
will be greatly appreciated.
My personal regards,
Clyde 'Travis' Whitley <>
PO Box 915, Bertram, Texas 78605 USA

[3 MAY 97]
So nice to see the city on the Net. I used to live in
Coventry, now live in Youngstown Ohio, USA. I will be coming to Coventry in May on
business, so it was very convenient to search for hotels etc.
Thanks for being there
Bob Fletcher
Ex Woodside Avenue, Green Lane
25 years ago

[1 MAY 97]
The guestbook and school friends pages are great ideas. I hope they flourish. Already I've
found one old schoolmate (old as in old fogies), and he's in Canada.
I was born in 1926, a vintage year which included the
General Strike.
My school years were:
John Gulson 1931-1933
Moseley Avenue 1934-1937
Bablake 1937-1944
Birmingham University (Chemistry Dept) 1944-1947 BSc; 1949-1952 PhD
I've worked in England, Ireland and the USA, moving about
quite a lot.
I would enjoy hearing from any old schoolmates or other
contemporaries. Being retired now means that I can mess about on the Web as much as I
like. Access is cheap in the US and there are no telephone charges. Will keep up to date
by accessing you regularly. Keep up the good work.
Ralph Worthington (school nickname "Prof") <>
