- January 1997 [30 JAN 97]
Hello from Iowa, USA.
We have a friend who lives in Coventry by the name of Graham Mills. Hopefully he can find
out that we are on-line and email back to us in some timely fashion. We will enjoy reading
more about your fine city and try to understand about your lifestyle. If we can supply
information about Iowa or the midwestern USA, just ask and we'll try to answer your
Janet Otto, Spirit Lake Community Schools

[26 JAN 97]
I am looking for any information on my greatgrandfather
Edward Child (born 1850-1865) who lived outside Coventry in a place called Breaud
(spelling could be incorrect). His wife's maiden name was Mary Wyles. He ran a bakery and
his son William, who emigrated to Canada around 1900, was my grandfather. I would
appreciate any info.
Thank you very much!
Richard Childs, Canada <>

[26 JAN 97]
Great Site! As a an American that frequently visits
Coventry, I find having an available datatbase on Coventry very useful for keeping up to
date with what is new in and around Coventry. Anyone know about anything new happening in
Wyken? Any information would be greatly appreciated as it is long way to Coventry from San
Diego, California.
Thanks, Roony <>

[26 JAN 97]
Hi, My name is Mary Graham (nee Mccullagh). I am also
originally from Coventry and have just found you guys!!! I attended Cardinal Wiseman Girls
School from 1977-1982. I now live in the Caribbean, in a place called the Turks and Caicos
Islands ( I know you have never heard of them, nobody ever has). I am now a teacher out
here and have lived here for 4 years. My husband is also from Coventry, Anthony Graham (ex
Coventry City player). He is originally from Allesley and I am from Bell Green. If there
is anyone out there who either remembers us or would just like to say hi to a couple of
old Coventarians, then please drop us a line at Wonderful to find
you guys.
Mary Graham <>
PS I'm not sure if this will help anyone to remember us but
we both worked at Daimlers bar in the De Vere for a few years, my husband was the manager
there. Here's hoping!

[26 JAN 97]
Excellent stuff to see Coventry has a Home Page. I was born
there in 1970. I now live in Brisbane, Australia. I have been back twice. I still have
relatives who live in Coventry. What a place to live.
Michelle Levers <>
Queensland Department of Primary Industries

[26 JAN 97]
Visiting your website from Chicago, IL. I was looking into
information regarding Warwickshire when I can across this site.
I have been looking specifically for genealogical tidbits
on my family (Wootton) who came from Weston-under-Wetherly (a wide spot in the road
between Leamington Spa and Rugby) to America at the turn of the century.
Anyone reading this know of any Woottons (are you one too?)
in the Warkwickshire and Coventry area? Also any local genealogy or church/official record
info sources would be very helpful.
Cheers :)
Ross Wootton <> or <>

[18 JAN 97]
My name is Alan Tovey. I was a Bablake
student just after the war. We now live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I would like to hear
from anyone in Coventry, or who remembers me or my wife Margaret (nee McBeth).
Alan Tovey

[18 JAN 97] Monastery of Whitefriars
My name is Timothy Woods from Knoxville Tennessee. I
enjoyed visiting the website for the town of Coventry and I'm interested in learning about
the history of the monastery of Whitefriars. I would be greatful to anyone willing to
share any knowledge about this Carmelite Friary and information specifically about seven
books discovered hidden within the walls of the gatehouse of the monastery.
Thanks very much
Timothy V Woods <>
Knoxville, TN USA

[18 JAN 97]
I love visiting the CWN guestbook, my name is Joyce Edgens
(nee Meiklejohn). I moved to Atlanta, Georgia in 1968 with my parents, I have not been
back to Coventry since but would love to visit. I will keep visiting the Coventry homepage
as often as possible.
Joyce Edgens <>

[16 JAN 97]
I browse your pages daily from California.
I attended Barrs Hill Girls Grammar from 1974-1979. I am
curious how other school mates are doing. If anyone remembers me or even just attended
Barrs Hill, I would love to hear from you. My name at that time was Raj (Mann) (Kaur); I
went by both last names when it was of convenience to me. I would like to hear from some
teachers out there also. Please email me at
Look forward to this new adventure.

[4 JAN 97]
Hello Coventry,
I was not born in Coventry, but played rugby for Coventry
RFC from 1981-85. I moved to Dallas, TX, USA in 1985 and have resided here ever since. Is
there anyone online who played for Coventry during this time? The Youth team was
especially good, coached by Brodders and Baz Dorehty (Caludon Castle).
Enjoyed the web pages, missing Coventry,
Mark Brooke <>
Former Flyhalf, Dallas, TX

[ JAN 97]
I was very impressed to read of the network you have set up
in the Coventry area. My Dad's late cousin, Peter Wakeford, formerly of Royal Leamington
Spa, was quite active in social justice causes in the area, including the Fellowship of
Reconciliation and the anti- nuclear movement, at Coventry Cathedral, before moving to
Little Melton, Norfolk. I wish you all the best.
Brent Bowyer <>
