- December 1997 [20 DEC 97] CHRISTMAS GREETINGS
I would like to take this oppertunity to wish all at CWN a
very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
I would also like to congratulate everyone concerned with
the production of this web site for a job well done, keep it up. As I moved from Coventry
in 1976 this is now the only link I have to my home town. I now live in Hamilton Ontario
Many Thanks
Ian Fraser <

Hi, Coventry!
I visited Coventry back in 1987. I was a student at Leeds
University, then. It is nice to see Coventry on the Web.
Athanase Gahungu <>
Arizona, US

[10 DEC 97]
Hi, I'm Mike Nunn. I lived in Coventry from 1960 thru 1980
when I moved away first to Rolleston on Dove (East Staffs) and then to Essex. I'm still
registered in the Coventry Telephone Directory as living at Michael J Nunn, 523
Fletchamstead H/Way Cov 711530, but we moved in 1980 and they have never deleted the
entry. (Look it up is it still there!) I attended Allesley Park Junior school 60-62 and
then Binley Park Comp from 62-66.
I would love to hear from anyone who was at these schools
at the time or remembers me from that period.
Mike Nunn <>

[9 DEC 97] Precinct WebCam
I like today's view of the precinct. It's more interesting
being able to see the store windows with the lights and the Christmas Decorations.
Mrs Pat Orphan <>
London, Canada

[6 DEC 97] Selina Bland
Hello I am looking for someone that I have lost the
Selina Bland
The Millhouse
Anyone who can help me to find her is welcome
Alfred Cottier <>
Editor: As always with this type of request
we suggest that anyone who knows the person being sought to pass the message on to them
before giving out their details

[4 DEC 97] Saltley College
Greetings from Vancouver, Canada.
Hoping to contact teachers with whom I trained at Saltley
College, Birmingham (1961-64). Anyone heard of Coventry native Dave Draper, mountain
climber and folk singer?
Best wishes
Roy Smith <>
