- June 1996 [28 JUN 96]
Back in February you asked for information about our fire
department (Coventry Volunteer Fire Association) that I am chief of to share with the
children of your city. I realize it has been some time for me to get back to you but
family matters and the loss of my mother in May caused the extended delay in this
response. You will be happy to know the fire department has a home page that I am
developing. It has some general information on the fire department, area departments, and
some local newspaper links presently. There is a feedback page on the Information about
the chief that will email directly to my present address. Feel free to check it out at:
During the construction stage I will be adding photos of
the equipment, more information on the history of the department, and other points of
interest. There is also a link to the town of Coventry Home Page.
I will be looking forward to future corespondence from you
or any one from you city. I will be stopping in to keep up with what is happening in our
twin city.
Thank you,
Micheal H. LaChappelle <>
Coventry Volunteer Fire Association, Inc
Coventry CT USA

[27 JUN 96]
Many thanks for the time and trouble you've put in to these
pages. I am an ex resident of the Stoke Heath area of Coventry and lived there until I was
seventeen years old, when I left to find work. I now work as a social worker in the
Hastings area. My own Local Authority have so far refused to invest much in the Net due to
fears regarding security.
Excellent pages and I'm pleased to see the community
working well.
Tony Richardson <>

[23 JUN 96]
Any Horobins out there? I live outside of San Francisco,
but my father is English and my grandfather was from Coventry. His name was John Archibald
Horobin. My great-grandfather - John Sr and Sarah Jane - owned a public house on 9 Spon
Street, the earlier part of this century. Does that address still exist? I'm also an avid
fan of George Eliot who I'm proud to know was from Warwickshire also! I've been to England
a few times and I will have to make sure to stop in Coventry the next time I'm there.
Thank you for the great website!
Regards, Gwyneth Horobin <>

[23 JUN 96]
How pleased I was to find a Coventry Homepage. Although I
was born in London, I grew up in Coventry. My father (Clive Mulvey) worked for
Rootes/Chrysler for many years. My mother (Hazel Mulvey nee Butcher) was a domestic
engineer but she was actually born in Coventry as was my brother Simon (who's now a Bay
City Roller).
I attended Finham Park Comprehensive until about 1977 and
then went to Cov Tech to study drama at the Brooklands Annexe. I played in a number of
local bands (inc Squad, Urge, Zirkus and the unit) and worked at the Medieval Banquet at
Coombe Abbey for about five/six years until 1985 when I packed my bags and set out to see
the big wide world.
If there's anyone reading this that knows me I'd be pleased
to hear from you and catch up on the gossip.
I now live in Sydney, Australia with my wife and two
Nigel Mulvey <>

[17 JUN 96]
Just to let anybody know who is thinking of visiting
Coventry, how much we thought it had improved since our last visit 2 years ago. It was
nice to see new shops and hotel areas, we visited Morrison's on the Binley Rd and found
shopping to be a pleasure, the store clerks were very helpful. We also found the city
centre to be cleaner and it appeared safer.
My three children (ages 5,7,9 yrs.) all enjoyed the peeping
tom clock, and the ride at the market. I remember going on that same ride some 35 yrs+
ago. My 5 yr old also enjoyed the 'Telegraph sellers', she enjoyed calling "City
Final" back to them.
Saving for our next trip now X-mas 1997 for my parents 50th
wedding anniversary, If any body knows the Casey's in Princethorpe Way say hi for us.
Mike and Tricia Casey <> Ontario,

[12 JUN 96]
Great web site - nice to see Coventry is on the web and
that I can read about what's going on at home.
My name is Jackie Gibbons (nee Matthews) and I am now
living in the United States (PA). Would be interested in hearing from anyone who attended
Coundon Court Comp from 1975 - 1980 or who grew up in the Coundon area.
Regards, Jackie Gibbons (Matthews) <>

[8 JUN 96]
Really enjoyed the website. I was born in Coventry in 1959,
along with my twin brother. My mother's name is Dorothy Burnell and my father's name is
Dick Citroen. My mum was a singer who went under the name Terri Anders. My grandfather,
Jack Burnell was from Keresley Green Road and my Uncle Maurice Burnell and his wife Gloria
still live at no. 20. My grandfather was the machinist (turner) who actually built the
first jet engine with Frank Whittle. It would be interesting to hear from anyone who might
remember my family. We emigrated to Canada in 1965 and I was back in 1974, but that has
been it. If anyone would like to correspond with me you can email me at <>
Gail Martens (nee Citroen)

[6 JUN 96]
Thank you for this service, even if I don't hear from
someone it's still nice to read and catch up on news from Coventry. I would love to get in
contact with anyone who attended Richmond Hill Junior school; Binley Park Secondary School
1971-76 or my old neighbourhood, Tennyson Rd (Stoke).
I have been living in Vancouver since 1979, are there any
ex-Coventarians in the area?
Paul Leese <>

[6 JUN 96]
John Walker (King Henry VIII circa 1966-69), still a Bees
supporter and now working as a consultant criminologist in Canberra, Australia.
I must have spent a fortune this morning browsing through
Coventry sites, including the Sky Blues and Bees pages! It's lovely to see you all on the
Web at last. You might be interested in my Home page: or the Home page of the Brindabella Swimming Club I'm now president of: (that will be a surprise to anyone who new me - swimming was definitely NOT
my forte!).
If there are any Octavian Droobers or Godiva Harriers out
there, say hello for me. OD's might like to know that the Red Roos orienteering club,
which Karan and I started in 1975 in Canberra now supplies over half of the Australian
junior team for the forthcoming World Championships in Romania.
I've been lucky enough to get back to Cov quite frequently
over the last few years and watch how things have changed.
Hoping to hear from old friends out there.
John Walker <>
