- April 1996 [27 APR 96]
HI from David and Kaye Monck [née Haywood] formally of
Canley, Cov. It is good to see you have a home page and quite a bit of info on it. We will
be using it in the future
I would like to send a email to Robin Phillips at the
Midland Bank (High Street), if anyone could send me their email address I would appreciate
it greatly
David and Kaye Monck <>

[20 APR 96]
Found your Guestbook, etc, while searching for information
about Coventry. I am a member of the Grace Presbyterian Church Choir in Houston, Texas,
and will be visiting in June to participate in the International Church Music Festival. I
was hoping to find information about the ICMF listed. I am looking forward to seeing your
city. My wife is into genealogy, and hopes to spend her days in the area researching her
family which is Boatright. Any suggestions? ICMF is June 19-22.
Girard McKelroy <>

[20 APR 96]
Hi from Vancouver Canada
I would love to get in touch with anyone who remembers me. My name is Graham Smith and I
lived in Allesley before coming to Canada to live. I was brought up in Coventry and went
to Cardinal Wiseman School, before going on to Coventry Technical College to study OND
Building. I still have relatives in Coventry who live in the Stivichall area, and it would
be great to talk to anyone from that part of the city or from the Woodridge Road (sorry
Woodridge Drive) area of Coventry.
Graham Smith <>
(See original entry 10 April 1996)

[19 APR 96]
My name is Ray Dauplaise and I belong to a group in
Coventry, RI (USA) called Coventry Friendship Link. It is an adult foreign exchange group
with links in Coventry, England, Meschede, Germany and Vannes, France. I am new to the
group and have been only to France thus far, but I am looking forward to going to England.
I am setting up a web site for our group and intend to add a link to jump to your site,
which I find very interesting.
Raymond Dauplaise <>

[18 APR 96]
Can someone let me know if Courtaulds on Foleshill Rd has
E-Mail? If so what is there e-mail address. I am a former employee looking for old work
buddies and friends. I used to work in the instrument shop , carbon fiber production and
the Amtico tile department back in 1971/2.
Gordon Slater <>

[15 APR 96]
I was thrilled to find Coventry on the net as my family
originated there many years ago.
If there are any Blakemans or Taylors related to them
online please drop me a line at <>
I am Bill Arends, son of Valerie Blakeman

For any of you who attended President Kennedy Comprehensive
School (and are now around age 40) or lived around Gospel Oak Road or prior to that Nunts
Lane and knew the Tedds family - David Tedds, eldest son of Dorothy, will be turning 40
and he will be visiting his mum in two weeks. If anyone remembers him please e-mail me as
we are giving him a party.
Lori Tedds < >

[10 APR 96]
Hi to Coventry
I wonder if anyone remembers me
My name is Graham Smith and was brought up in Coventry. I
attended Cardinal Wiseman School and left in 1977. From there I went on to study OND
Building at Coventry Technical College, the course leader at the time was a Mr Stringer.
During this time I lived in the Ernsford Grange district of Coventry.
I am now living in Vancouver Canada and would be interested
in hearing from anyone who might have known me.
If you do remember me or want to chat about Coventry please
e-mail me at: <>
Graham Smith

[10 APR 96]
Hi, my name is Carmen Taylor (nee Sharkey).I have lived in
Adelaide, South Australia for the last 7 years and originally came from Earlsdon,Coventry.
I attended Bishop Ullathorne School ('74-'79) and also Tile Hill College and would love to
hear from anyone who knows me or has a similar background.
Carmen Taylor <>

[3 APR 96]
Hi Coventry,
I'm an ex Coventarian now living in Ontario, Canada. I was really pleased to find a web
site and comment page from there. I'm an ex Stoke Heath J & S school kid and then
Caludon Castle school (1969-74). Apprenticed at Morris Engines, Courthouse Green from
1974-78. I would love to hear from anyone who lives in Coventry now or then who was in the
schools or factory above. When will Caludon Castle have its own e-mail?
Michael Casey <>
(Note: All the Coventry secondary schools will soon be
connected to the Internet - keep checking the Education section)

[3 APR 96]
This is a fine idea. I have found something similar for
Bologna, Italy and Verona, Italy where a rough map of the city is available on line with
pictures. That might make a nice touch. I am looking at tourist and hotel information as
my family and I hope to visit in May-June. A family history project. Thanks.
Don Meares <>
(Note: We are working on getting maps - they should be
available shortly once copyright problems have been sorted out)

[1 APR 96]
Hi again Coventry. I am planning a trip
home this August. Any chance someone could let me know about events in the area for this
month. Is it possible to get fax numbers or e-mail addresses of coach operators like
Wainfleet or Harry Shaw so I can contact them. I can almost taste that Ansell's bitter.
Alex Milne <>
(See original entry 3 March
