- November 1995 [28 NOV 95]
Expatriate Coventrian seeks information on what happened to
ex students of Cheylesmore Secondary Modern School, class of 1963, forms 4A and 4B.
Any news gratefully received
Bill Ballington <>

[17 NOV 95]
Hello. I was so pleased to find your web page. I am a
freelance writer in Chicago and I am starting some research on Lady Godiva. So far, I
haven't gotten much beyond the basic story. If you know if any resources which might be
particularly helpful, could you please, at your convenience, e-mail me at the above
Thank you in advance,
Penny Penniston <>

[8 NOV 95]
I have recently moved from Coventry to live in Vermont in
the USA (May 1995). I am so pleased that you have set your page up, and now I will be able
to add a link in my page
I miss my hometown very much, as I was born and
raised in Coventry since 1968. I have moved here to be with my fiancee who is an American
I miss reading the Coventry Evening Telegraph and the sites
and sounds of the city, but now I can keep in touch with Coventry thanks to you!
Keep up the good work on your page!
Cherie Rouse <>
The University of Vermont, USA
