A Coventry primary
school has been praised by Government inspectors for its “hardworking
and committed staff” and its “caring” attitude to pupils.
St Thomas More Catholic Primary School in
Styvechale is celebrating after its recent OFSTED report gave
top marks for the energetic and enthusiastic teaching at the
Inspectors went as far as identifying the
school as one where "pupils are often swept along by the
teacher's enthusiasm and energy".
The report is full of praise for the
school and says there are no key issues identified for
improvement. The school is described as "very good...with
some outstanding features" and having "excellent
leadership and management...effective teamwork" and
"an outstanding ethos of commitment to achievement"
ensuring that the school has a continuous focus on improvement.
Ian McNiff, Headteacher of St Thomas More
School, was delighted by the report:
"This report is a testament to the
hard work, dedication and commitment of all the staff, pupils
and their families. I am delighted that the school has been
able to build on the work of so many people who have worked
industriously to create a vibrant and challenging learning
environment during the lifetime of the school.
"Despite having no key issues the
school is seeking to move forward and will be sharing their
future plans with the community. I hope that the outcomes of
this report will enable us to continue to flourish and go from
strength to strength."
Monsignor Gavin, Chair of Governors,
"I am delighted that the school has
continued to prosper. When it became a Beacon School following
our previous OfSTED inspection in 1997, we knew that
preserving that standard would be difficult and I should like
to congratulate Ian and his excellent staff for maintaining a
very high standard."

The following areas are being performed
- Attainment is well above average in
English, mathematics and science in Key Stages 1 and 2 and
pupils achieve well.
- The quality of teaching and learning is
very good throughout the school.
- Leadership and management are excellent
at all levels.
- Pupils have very positive attitudes
towards school and behave very well.
- The school provides a very effective
curriculum and its procedures for assessment are exemplary.
- Provision for pupils' personal
development is exceptional.
The school has made "very good
progress" since its last inspection in June 1997 and the
issues identified for development then have been addressed.
There are now many opportunities for
pupils to show initiative and take responsibility, homework is
set consistently, provision for pupils' cultural development is
much improved and the library in Key Stage 2 is well stocked
with interesting and stimulating books.
The quality of teaching was found to be
"good or better in eight out of ten lessons..." and in
half of lessons teaching was "very good, and sometimes
excellent". The high quality of teachers' planning was
found to be a major strength, ensuring work is matched very
carefully to all levels of attainment in the class so that all
pupils learn well.
The school cares for its pupils "very
well" with the quality and range of curriculum being
"very good" and has an excellent programme of
extra-curricular activities. Its provision for pupils'
development is "excellent" providing valuable
opportunities to develop their spiritual awareness and their
understanding and respect for their own culture, and the wider
The inspection team also supports the
extremely positive comments that parents hold the school in
exceptionally high regard.