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Compensation Claims For Gas Cuts

Bulkington residents who lost gas supplies because of a major fault this week can seek compensation.

Three thousand homes were left without gas from Monday and a handful have still not had supplies restored.

Supply company Transco had up to 2,000 staff working round the clock to restore the service and the majority of houses went back on the system yesterday.

Spokesperson Jane Taylor said:

"The only people who have not had their gas supplies turned back on are in the properties where we failed to gain access. We had to draw a halt late last night as people were starting to go to bed. Those homes will have been visited today.

"It is also half-term week so some people might well be away. We have to actually gain access to be able to turn the gas off in the first place, and then again to restore it. It is a very long-winded process but we worked around the clock.

"We put 2,000 people back on during Wednesday and 700 had been restored before that. People have been very co-operative and understand that we have been doing our best.

"This is a very rare occurrence indeed. I am sure it is small comfort to the people of Bulkington, but the amount of people who lose their gas supply in a year is around 0.06 per cent.

"Compensation will be dealt with by the companies which actually sell the gas. We don’t sell it, just supply it, so people must contact their companies. I know that British Gas Trading credit the next bill but other companies may well have different procedures."

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