[27 OCT 00]
Parkers Face A Darker Future
who park illegally in the pedestrianised part of Bedworth town
centre will find themselves having a doubly nasty shock soon.
for higher parking tickets are being introduced next week, and the
new community officer for the town has pledged to get tough with
blocking the pavement have been one of the largest sources of
protest from members of the public and PC Jason Darker has pledged
to take the fight to the drivers.
has already issued 160 non-endorsable fixed penalty tickets and
given out 20 cautions to people breaking the parking regulations
in Bedworth.
fines will increase from £20 to £30 on 1 November and endorsable
fines will go up to £60.
Darker said there have been three problem areas: Church Way at the
rear of the HSBC bank, where motorists park in the path of a
turning circle, High Street outside the police station and
library, and King Street outside the banks.
Darker said:
know now that I am around and about and will ticket illegal
parkers when I see them.
public told us this is something they want sorting out and we
are determined to listen to their concerns and clamp down on
drivers who park inconsiderately and irresponsibly and put other
road users in danger.
motorists persist in driving through pedestrianised areas –
particularly when they are using the town centre cash machines
– simply because they cannot take the trouble use one of the
car parks.
is unfair to pedestrians and disabled drivers.”