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Snooker Cue Used In Gang Attack

A 20-year-old man was repeatedly kicked and punched in the head and attacked with a snooker cue by a gang outside a pub.

He was outside The George in The Green, Bilton, Rugby at 6pm when was set upon.

The victim was taken to St Cross hospital and treated cuts and bruises to his face and body followed the incident on Sunday.

It is thought that as many as five people may have set about the man.

All the attackers were white and aged between 17 and 30.

One, the youngest, was between 5ft 7ins and 5ft 10ins, medium build with fair hair that was shaved so it was almost bald. He was wearing a dark Nike jacket.

The second man described by the victim was 5ft 8ins, with dark short hair, medium to heavy build. He wore a dark baseball cap and a denim jacket.

A third attacker was aged between 25 and 30, is 6ft, heavy build, with cropped hair.

One of the men had a swelling the size of a golf ball after the attack.

Any witnesses should call PC Andy Gallcher on 01788 541111.

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CWN / Crimes, Fires & Accidents / 21 Nov 00
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