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Showcase To Convince The World About Coventry

The movers and shakers of the business and property world are being targeted with a showcase event to prove that Coventry is changing.

Models and plans for the developments in the city centre will be shown off in a big drive to change perceptions about Coventry.

It is part of a big drive to change perceptions and attract new businesses to the city.

It is believed that the leading lights of the business and property world need to shed their outmoded ideas about the city.

Priory PlaceThey will be shown models and plans for Priory Place, the £12 million commercial and residential development at the heart of the Phoenix Initiative and the proposed city centre squares.

People visiting the city for the event on Thursday, which is being held in the newly-renovated Blue Coat School in Trinity Street, will be shown the plans for Priory Place.

The privately-funded development, which is part of the Phoenix Initiative, will open up a huge swathe across the city centre to create a new square, gardens and walkways as well as 85 apartments above 35,000 sq ft of bar/restaurant and café space.

The decision makers will also see the Arrowcroft development of the Lower Precinct now under way, which offers 210,000 square feet of retail, café and restaurant space, including five major stores and 35 shop units plus a car park with 580 spaces.

Liz Millett, Chief Executive of the City Centre Company said:

"Exciting things are happening everywhere you look in our city at present. 

"We want Coventry to be right at the top of people's thoughts when it comes to shopping and as a tourist attraction.

"Our intention is to change the outdated perception that Coventry is not an exciting city which does not have excellent business potential.

“Many people from elsewhere have had that idea of Coventry, but the reality could not be further from the myth."

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The Giant Card Company, Coventry

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CWN / Business / A-Z / City Centre Company Coventry / 19 Jun 00

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